Tuesday, April 10, 2018

WELS Has a Slander Party on Facebook - Guest -
Ichabad (sic) the glory has departed.
The Chief Article of Christianity Is a Gnat to Them!

I was just introduced to a website called Ichabad (sic) the glory has departed. It seems to be very anti WELS. Does anyone have more insight on this? A lot of focus is on Hope church Oconomowoc.

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Suzanne Derge Schmidt Why? Do you know anything about this David? The blog seems very disturbing.

David Moseley Suzanne Derge Schmidt I came across the blog several years ago before I was Lutheran. I could tell then that something was off. There is a lot of slander and outright lies that come from the blog concerning WELS, ELS, and LCMS.

Suzanne Derge Schmidt That's what I thought. Thank you.


David Locklair Others can, and I'm sure will, speak to Ichabod better than I but just for the record Hope in Oconomowoc is no longer a member congregation of the WELS.

Scott O. Kuznicki So, the Glory has departed? ðŸ˜‰

Kevin Scheunemann The quick summary I got from our Pastor was: Hope Pastor was teaching heresy. (In looking at current Hope web site, decision theology seems to be one of those heresies.) Matthew 18 was followed by Synod. After several warnings, Pastor was suspended and did not appeal suspension. Hope Church then voted to leave WELS by voting to retain the suspended pastor. Congregation was then suspended from WELS and did not appeal suspension. A few members of Hope, true to the faith, transferred to other WELS congregations.

Bonnie Kay I have spoken with two WELS Pastors about this. Both have said the WELS is very fortunate to now have President Schroeder. The hope and intent is the mistakes of the past will not be repeated and these kinds of issues will be dealt with on a more timely basis.

Scott O. Kuznicki Bonnie, the President alone cannot accomplish this. He needs the support of good men in the Synod praesidium and a Synodical Council with strong leaders.

Bonnie Kay Scott O. Kuznicki Yes, I was told this too.

Suzanne Derge Schmidt Yes I could tell from the Hope church site that it's not Wels.

Matthew Brunner Wild old Dr. Gregory Jackson.

Scott O. Kuznicki That’s The Reverend Doctor Gregory L. Jackson, young padawan. ðŸ˜œ

Donald Hochmuth A good place to avoid. Constantly straining at gnats. Of course the WELS has problems. I don't even know if Dr. Jackson himself, and his congregation, are in fellowship with anyone else.

Suzanne Derge Schmidt Thank you all for your comments. I've been a WELS member all my life. The devil continues his work to make us question what we know, by faith, to be true.

Donald Hochmuth Somewhere above I asked a serious question. Is Dr. Jackson and his congregation in fellowship with anyone else? Or are they independent and belong to no fellowship - synod?

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Donald Hochmuth Terry Yahr The reason I asked is that some see everything as divisive of fellowship and sometimes wind up entirely outside the fellowship. There was, for instance, the OLC headquartered in Milwaukee, an offshoot of LCMS. That one got so bad that the synod president began excommunicating everyone. (I don't think that they ever arose to more than ten pastors in synod.) Straining at gnats is not profitable or God-pleasing.


The WELS discussion group erased the thread a few seconds after I copied it here for posterity.
From a source - "Click again the link above. The thread is still active. The most recent post by Joel Lillo even provides a link to this morning's post on Ichabod! These people really aren't too bright."

OK. The disgustion is still there, but Lillo kilcreased his comment.

GJ - I did not give much attention to the kicked-out congregation that Mark and Avoid Jeske loves so much. But I appreciate all the page views provided by the curious. Yesterday - 2,000 views.

Last week - 11,000 views in 48 hours. But "no one reads Ichabod." If they paid attention, Ichabod would be spelled correctly, no?

I do not know who these experts are, but they cheerfully overlook discussions about the Chief Article of Christianity, Justification by Faith; various felony convictions of WELS church workers (great job with the cover-ups, Mark Schroeder!); and other matters that will not matter until Judgment Day.

The conversation should remind people of what a cult is like when the precious leaders of the cult are finally questioned by someone with an education and some experience.

WELS is busy running down the stairs with their best-selling NIV.