Thursday, November 15, 2018

Luther on Encouragement. Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

 Norma A. Boeckler

Hence the Lord Jesus very properly concludes that the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. 

The fact is that the devil always has a hundred servants where the Lord has scarcely one. What can we do to effect a change for the better? Such a change we can not bring about, because the children of this world will take no counsel. But we may teach and continue to reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine, that some, if possible, may be delivered from the snares of the devil. 

We should endeavor also to arouse sleepy Christians, and to urge all to be more diligent in the performance of Christian duty and to persevere in well-doing, as the children of this world persevere in evil-doing. In these our efforts we should continue, because we are the children of light, no matter how difficult it is.

Luther, Martin. House Postil, or, Sermons on the Gospels for the Sundays and Principal Festivals of the Church Year, Volume III. “Ninth Sunday After Trinity.”

From Your Unofficial Vatican Observer - The Pope and the Witches' Stang

Here is one of many articles on the pope's stang.

The pagan influence within the papacy was already established during the Reformation, and it certainly preceded Pope Francis, SJ, who is - confessedly - the worst ever modern pope.

A careful examination of the cross held by Francis shows that there is a head in the middle and an upraised arm, not exactly a stang, but not really a crucifix or anything else.

"Error loves ambiguities," a good saying to remember when dealing with UOJ minions, who will even say their world absolution helps and protects Justification by Faith. Certainly, just as a raging fire helps and protects a drought. Sure, if you say so and you. studied. Greek.

The non-cross with the snake figure on it, rises above the stage in the enormous audience hall, 1971.

Stepping back, we can see the reptilian figure more clearly.

 Farther back, we can see the papal audience hall is the inside of a serpent's head, complete with windows as eyes and fangs in the mouth. Did they teach Paul McCain and Jack Kilcrease the meaning of these symbols at convent school?
Many more pagan symbols can be found at St. Peter's, which should be viewed as a Halloween house of horrors rather than a church. They can be explained one way and countered with soothing words: "No really. Why are you saying that?"

 In another photo, the waiting priest seems to be thinking, "Get this over with!"