Sunday, January 27, 2019

Deep Synod Should Be Your Greatest Concern. A Vote for Matt Harrison Is
A Vote for McCain, Otten, Thrivent, ELCA, Abortion, and False Doctrine
Who Elected McCain and Otten?

Pope Paul the Plagiarist's only call was to serve as Al Barry's campaign manager when pretending to serve as an Iowa parish pastor. Otten set him up as the secret leaker of Barry material - they both denied heatedly what they told me secretly. Paul's STM took seven years, but not as long as classmates Jay Milhous Webber and James Rodham Heiser.

 Pastor Herman Otten supports Objective Justification, Church Growth, conservative Roman Catholics and Baptists. I am the only one in Christendom he shuns. Herman's greatest thrill is being the kingmaker who put Jack Preus, Bohlmann, Kieschnick, Barry, and Harrison into office. Consorting with Otten will get anyone canned in the LCMS, unless he is running for Synod President.

This is Matt's graphic, not mine. What a disgrace! The treasures of the Christian Church are the Means of Grace. Does anyone at the Purple Palace read Luther and the Book of Concord? He dropped out of the seminary doctoral program he was in. That is considered an achievement in Missouri?

The LCMS Dogma-tanic is the envy of the other Vatican, the one in Rome. Harrison has conceded that Lutheran Biblical doctrine has been replaced by his latest achievements - canonizing Objective Justification in Confessing the Gospel and the Gigantic Small Catechism.

Missouri officially opposes the Chief Article of Christianity - Justification by Faith. Why the trinket filled mockery of the 500th Anniversary? Answer - because they agree with ELCA and the mainline apostates that everyone is already forgiven and saved. Missouri leaders mock the Scriptural mysteries and replace them with their Barth/Kirschbaum word-plays. Creation? Not sophisticated enough for these worldly wise men.

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