Thursday, January 24, 2019

Matt the Fatt Loves to Work with ELCA and Their Abortions for Any Reason Health Plan - But He Aims a Spitwad at New York for Their New Abortion Law

Contact: Pamela Nielsen
Media Relations, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
A statement from the Rev. Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, in response to recent gubernatorial actions expanding abortion in New York and Illinois.
GJ - What words should we use to express the hypocrisy and sanctimony of the LCMS President? He routinely works with ELCA leaders, who pay for abortions - for any reason - with their ecclesiastical health plan.
Why work with ELCA and toss a PR release at New York?
Harrison has found something worse than Mirthless Mark Schroeder and Joel Hochmuth issuing their joint statement against ELCA's 2009 convention. Funny how that remained on the Net as a cause for boasting, until the FBI raided WELS headquarters and the police put Hochmuth in the hoosegow for distributing child porn.
An evil tree (without faith) can only produce corrupt fruit.