There is a brief passage about OJ/General Justification protecting and keeping JFB pure. This glib claim from Stoeckhardt is blasphemous, because the Word of God does not need to be "protected and kept pure" by man-made dogma. That is like saying the Immaculate Conception of Mary and her Assumption are doctrines that keep pure the Virgin Birth and divinity of Christ. I chose that wording for a reason, because Edward Preuss anonymously supported - as a Roman Catholic - the Marian dogmas that he criticized as a Missouri seminary professor.
Here is what George Stoekhardt, perhaps the greatest of all Lutheran biblical expositors in our country, says, "Genuine Lutheran theology counts the doctrine of general (objective) justification among the statements and treasures of its faith. Lutherans teach and confess that through Christ’s death the entire world of sinners was justified and that through Christ’s resurrection the justification of the sinful world was festively proclaimed. This doctrine of general justification is the guarantee and warranty that the central article of justification by faith is being kept pure."
(Stoeckhardt, in the Preus essay, quoted in the post below)Edward Preuss was not "an old Lutheran theologian of our church." He was a turncoat, who became a Roman Catholic after seeing a brilliant sunset, which he took to be a sign from God. If he were such a great theologian, his Biblical scholarship would have strengthened against Rome. As far as proving or disproving Marian dogmas, Edward Preuss said, "Give me the sources and I can prove anything." And yet his confused essay on Justification is considered a classic by the UOJ Stormtroopers.
Edward Preuss' evil essay also has had an impact in the UOJ, because "the Justification of the sinner" - the title of his essay - has become a favorite deceptive phrase of the cult. They really mean "the forgiveness of all sinners - without faith" but that does not run trippingly off the tongue.
Edward Preuss blended Justification by Faith into his essay, as Robert Preus and Missouri did in their 1987 Theses in dishonor of the Reformation. If I hold two treats in my hands, our dog Sassy's eyes go back and forth, distracted by two objects at once. Magic acts work the same way - "Watch my right hand while I pull an object out with my left hand." No Lutheran should be shocked that their professors make a fine living doing the same magic trick.
Robert Preus' last book provided some excellent refutations of Objective Justification. Two are posted below.
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Quoted by Robert Preus, Justification and Rome. |
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Quoted by Robert Preus, Justification and Rome. |