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The official teaching of the Holy Spirit is found throughout the Bible, and is stated with great clarity in Romans 3 - 5. |
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Read this slowly and carefully, because this Chief Article includes Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz. |
I have experienced and heard about many tactics used by the Objective Justification Stormtroopers for decades. I will review them below. Note that they never say, "You believe in Justification by Faith, and we reject it." Those words are never spoken. Reasons are given below.
"You have abandoned the teaching of our synod, the lessons taught by your professors."
This has been used in the WELS, the tiny Orthodox Lutheran Conference, and the LCMS. We should ask why they are teaching error, especially because WELS and Missouri taught Justification by Faith in their catechisms, until the OJists took over.
Matt the Fatt Harrison cannot avoid sounding like a pope when he writes about "the official teachings of the Lutheran Church" (i.e. the Missouri Synod). At the last LCMS conclave, they voted to expel any pastor who discussed doctrine outside of his official role. That revealed the efforts of the crypto-Jesuit McCain, who has never served as a pastor and has proven to be incompetent in his high-priced jobs.
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The Dogma-tanic and the new, enormous Small Catechism make OJ/SJ the official Calvinistic teaching of the LCMS. Pathetic - even more disgraceful than the CPH Here I Stand socks. |
"You Reject Objective Justification!"
They do not say - "You teach the Chief Article of the Christian Faith, which we hate."
The OJists cannot say the words - Justification by Faith. They pretend to by saying, "Oh that's Subjective Justification." But by tossing in their terms, they are saying - agreeing with OJ. That is what SJ always means, which is contrary to faith in Christ. SJ is factually and precisely "agreeing with the concept of OJ - world absolution (Universalism)."
They are lying when they pretend OJ is the Atonement and SJ is Justification by Faith. Opposing the Chief Article is their passion, and they are happy to accomplish that by replacement - replacing Justification by Faith with SJ and dividing everything in the Bible into OJ and SJ, two sides of the same rotten, slimy apple.
Mark Zarling and Frosty Bivens (both WELS) are so lacking in honesty that they call their precious OJ "the Chief Article" and apply the descriptions of Justification by Faith to OJ - the Master, the Prince, the Judge of all Articles, the Article on Which the Church Stands or Falls. Galling yes - but the deception is unnoticed by the timid shepherds of the Wisconsin Sect.
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SJ is definitely not Justification by Faith. |
And now a brief pause for a review - a book about Objective Justification. Observe the language -
"I attended Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne from 1979–1983, when the waters were being roiled by those denying the teaching of objective justification. Papers were written, pamphlets published, and even professors were accused and defended. It was all very painful. It’s still unpleasant, but it’s a necessary pain to bear as the very Gospel itself is at stake in the doctrine of objective justification. Rev. Hale’s book addresses this subject in a way and to a depth no other book I have read on the subject does. He answers the deniers, as well as asking and answering questions that reveal the many faceted aspects of this jewel of a doctrine..."
Reviewing the Hale book on OJ.
"You Are a Calvinist"
Nothing betrays their ignorance more that this accusation, which is slanderous and stupid. What do OJists and Calvinists have in common - bypassing the Means of Grace, the Word and Sacraments.
How does forgiveness come to OJists and Calvinists? Answer - it just does, without any Biblical support for their claim. Edward Preuss, backed by Robert Preus, Paul the Plagiarist McCain and Jack B. Simple Cascione, stated - We are born forgiven! (Does that explain the lying, the intrigue, the backstabbing of OJists, especially among their own kind? Yes!)
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Pre-orders have started. Send an email with your address and phone number to greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com |
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The ELS likes SJ - "must accept by faith the general absolution pronounced" (where exactly?) |
"You Are Making Faith a Work!"
Nothing has harmed the LCMS more than Walther's sick aversion to Biblical faith.
Faith is never a work in the Bible - because God creates faith through the Gospel Promises, beginning with Abraham in Genesis 15:6 (never quoted by the useful idiots of OJdom).
These weavers of dark webs contrast grace and faith, showing they have never read Romans 4 with comprehension.
Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
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Cascione, McCain, and Jay Webber loved this baloney because it is cited by Robert Preus, but they refused - like Rolf - to acknowledge Bob's change of heart in Justification and Rome. |
Making WAM II a Pariah
The hatred for Justification by Faith - when it was an opportune moment, at least - led the Righteous Brothers, Jack and Bob Preus, to make Walter A. Maier II a pariah in the LCMS.
My only criticism of WAM II's essays (one a summary of the longer one) is this - He was too defensive, too eager to keep writing grace, grace, grace when the error was on the Preus-Walther side.
The Preus Crime Family owes WAM II a profound apology, and Herman Otten even more so. Otten participated in the beat-down and yet published his own book on Dr. Walter A. Maier. If you read that book, as I have, you will see that that the only mention of Justification inside is brief. More in that chapter is about Billy Graham. But on the back of that book, which I own (signed copy, Herman Otten to someone) is posted just below. Does anyone have a conscience in the LCMS?
This is scanned from the Maier book published by Otten, who used the same cover photo as one on the book by Paul Maier. |