Thursday, March 28, 2019

April Fools Day Edition of Christian News - Featuring David Scaer, P. Hale, and the Glories of Objective Justification.

Let's change this portrait and paint Calvin on it. Nobody will notice.

Otten started his April Fools Day issue with favorable coverage of the Maier brothers, one a professor attacked by Scaer in his Confessions of a Heretic book. The other may become synod president - in spite of Otten's demi-semi-endorsement.

The issue glorifies the Scaer book and a shorter book on Objective Justification. P. Hale is another stunted and blinded graduate of "The Fort" - as they like to call their dying school.

Otten claims to "sell to both sides of the issues," but he truly loves the Calvinistic, Pietistic Objective Justification of Stephan, Walther, and the Adventists.