Monday, March 11, 2019

End the Two-Faced Triumvirate

Who worked secretly with Herman Otten to elect Al Barry, instead of doing his parish work in Iowa? And emerged after Harrison was elected to strut around the Purple Palace? 

Concordia Publishing House marked the Reformation's 500th anniversary with dog collars, spatulas, and Here I Stand socks. Who was minding the store? Pope Paul the Plagiarist!

 Matt Harrison borrowed McCain's weight-gain diet and Paul's passion for Pietism's Objective Justification, making anti-Luther dogma official in the CPH dual pratfalls - the Dogma-tanic and their hideous caricature of the Small Catechism.
Christian News must hate Luther or love filthy lucre to sell this load of manure, a collection of lies going back to Rome's effort to silence the Reformer. CN also promotes Church Growth, which - like OJ - is an ecumenical delicacy.

Why are Missouri Synod Presidents so awful? They work for their elections secretly with Herman Otten, as they have back to Jack Preus. They need to sing ballads to the copy-and-paste editor, as Matt Harrison did. Otten the Martyr has suffered a growth in his non-profit entity, which has over $1 million stashed in it. Justification by Faith? - stay not here.