Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Useful Idiots of Christian News: The Inglorious Easter Issue, 2019

 Having Jack B. Simple Cascione introduce a Luther sermon is like having Paul McCain teach how to avoid plagiarism, Romanism, and high-carb diets.

The Easter issue is a demolition derby of doctrine.

This is the moment to say, since the Lenker edition was mentioned, that Otten never let this slip. Our little group produced the Lenker edition of Luther's Sermons for about $5 a volume, illustrated, and free with the Gems volume as one merged PDF. We sent free sets to African Lutheran seminaries, and another free set to the Philippines (plus many other free books).

 The Maier Family is owed an apology from the Preus Family, Herman Otten, and David Scaer.

This is a header with David Maier's photo - "The Validity and Effaciousness (sic) of the Means of Grace." Oh, just a typo. Let's look below for the article.

The Validity and Effacaciousness (sic) by Pastor David Maier

The original author is actually Dr. Howard Tepker, Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne (nee Springfield). In the article, the word is finally spelled correctly - efficaciousness, and efficacy.

Reading a Book About Martin Luther from a Critical Roman Catholic Source
 By David Becker

"The book The Facts About Luther by Patrick O’Hare is currently being sold by Amazon Kindle e-book format for $0.99. Hardcover is $27.95 and softcover is $12.68, through Amazon. The book is also available through Christian News for $16.50." 

I enjoyed the lecture on using sources from both sides, because the irony is so rich. Otten only publishes OJ authors and heavily favors non-Lutherans.

If Becker reads a second book in his lifetime, he should try Thy Strong Word, which copiously quotes OJ eructations from a wide variety of authors. Or - Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, where I dealt with both sides of the issue concerning O'Hare's book of lying stupidity.

OJist Pastor Steve Flo quoted Dr. Robert Preus, but why not cite these quotations from Preus' final book?

 Also cited and quoted by Dr. Robert Preus.