Saturday, May 25, 2019

Big Plants for the Creation Garden

 I photographed the Easy Does It roses before I cut them for the wedding arrangements. They were at their peak, 40 blooms on two bushes, ahead of all the rest and astonishingly productive.

Wows and Vows
The rain seemed to be endless, but the roses did not mind. Two Easy Does It bushes were well established, came through the winter, and began blooming like they were long-stemmed Knock-Outs.

My siblings asked, "Did you grow them?" I said, "It runs in the family." Mom grew superb roses and so did our paternal grandfather.

Various wedding guests were wowed by them.

I thought Fever Few would grow a few inches tall. The ones I bought last fall are four feet tall and blooming like crazy. They attract beneficial insects and the leaves are supposedly good for headaches, even migraines, when brewed in a tea.

No, this is not!

I planted plenty of Joe Pye because there was a discount last year. This is a better butterfly weed than Butterfly Weed, a better butterfly bush than Butterfly Bush. The scent is lavender, the plant is hardy, and all beneficial insects love it.

Joe Pye Weed in bloom is better looking than this, but that is true of all photographs of flowers.