Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tricky Little Devil on LutherQuest (sic) - Cannot Deal Directly with Scriptures

I challenged them at LutherQuest (sic). They fussed around and retreated at flank speed:

The Objective Justification Sales Force (ELCA-WELS-ELS-LCMS) wants to convince people they are legitimate. To do so, all they need to do is present a public Bible study on:

  • Genesis 15:6
  • Romans 4 (maybe include the bridge verses, Romans 5:1-2)
  • Galatians 3:6-7
I simply asked them to do what I have done many times before, in English and Greek - explain the passages above.

The Brain Trust on LQ (sic) cited a former Lutheran, but now a Calvinist, much like their hero Samuel Huber - to prove their case. Funny thing, this Leithart expert on Justification, came from the Lutheran-Calvinist congregation that led the Ohio Conference, WELS, into Church Growth Calvinism. As their hero, Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, said, "The best Law-Gospel sermon is not worth anything if the ushers are not friendly." Needless to say, Floyd was a total idiot about Biblical doctrine, which is why WELS treasured his sage advice.

Oh! Jay Webber and Roger Kovaciny, the Utility Pole Attacker, teamed up with Floyd Luther Stolzenburg to build a Ukraine church named in honor of Floyd's Masonic congregation in Columbus. Yet people wonder why I connect OJ with Church Growth. WELS helped Floyd get a job for which he was completely unqualified.