Saturday, June 22, 2019

Ichabod Lutheran Lexicon - Walther's Election without Faith

 John Brenner's tabs say - Calvin won, you lost!
He admitted in his dissertation that Election without Faith is another argument for Objective Justification, which he calls The Justification of the World. What is his term for Justification by Faith? - The Individual Appropriation of Forgiveness - right out of Romans 5, in the New, New, WELS NIV.

Election without Faith

CFW Walther must have had a great struggle promoting the Objective Justification of Halle Pietism. His second assault on Justification by Faith came from his series of dogmatic presentations, not Scripture studies, where he argued that God’s election must be without any consideration of faith, because that would make faith a work of man. This circular reasoning had a three-fold effect on the Synodical Conference. Those who disagreed with Walther broke off in disgust, making him the pope of the Missouri Synod, Wisconsin Synod, and the future Evangelical Lutheran Synod, relieving him of significant opposition within the conference.[1] The third effect was the use of Objective Justification and Election without Faith as double-weapons against Justification by Faith.
Documents prove that the Missouri Synod did not teach Objective Justification in its early, official catechisms and dogmatic work.[2] That developed slowly and blossomed here and there, but bore bitter fruit in making canonical the works of Walther, Pieper, and Edward Preuss - who became a Catholic. The Brief Statement of 1932, a political document, enshrined Objective Justification with unsupported claims and erroneous Biblical citations.
Article XI in the Formula of Concord, Book of Concord, warned against the very thing Walther promoted, speculating about predestination.[3]
13] Therefore, if we wish to think or speak correctly and profitably concerning eternal election, or the predestination and ordination of the children of God to eternal life, we should accustom ourselves not to speculate concerning the bare, secret, concealed, inscrutable foreknowledge of God, but how the counsel, purpose, and ordination of God in Christ Jesus, who is the true Book of Life, is revealed to us through the Word, Book of Concord, Formula of Concord, SD, Election.

Walther’s Calvinism, Unionism, Pietism, Rationalism

The end result can be seen in Walther’s Calvinism, which is so much like the Geneva chameleon’s dogma. Calvin pretended to be Lutheran so he could prosper in Luther’s shadow, but that also included a jealous rivalry concerning the doctrine of the Bible. Calvin taught against the efficacy of the Word and downgraded the Sacraments to ordinances reflecting man’s obedience. Calvinists pressed for church unions on their terms, so unionism was the cradle of Walther’s Christian education. He grew up in a rationalistic pastor’s household and received a rationalistic university education, seeking relieve in the Pietism of Pastor Martin Stephan - a Pietist, cell group leader, and promiscuous adulterer. Calvinism and Pietism do not last long in the original form, but degenerate into rationalism, lacking the anchors of the Word’s efficacy in the Means of Grace.
Between Objective Justification (without faith) and Election without faith, Walther became the New Calvin, not the American Luther. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the Gospel Word or faith, because everyone has been declared forgiven (OJ). God determined this with no regard to faith. Should anyone wonder that the more this took over, the worse Missouri, WELS, and the ELS became?

[1] Their work is The Errors of Modern Missouri, which is conveniently available as a free ebook from The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry,
[2] These documents are listed and quoted in The Path to Understanding Justification.
[3] The article on Election can be found here -