Monday, June 24, 2019

Not So Fast, Intrepid Judas Goat

 Pastor Paul Rydecki above,
Pastor Steve Spencer below - at the first and last Intrepid Lutherans conference. I think a second one was planned until Spencer parachuted out. He picked the name Intrepid: ironic or another GA mind-game?

From "Friar" WELS Pastor Steve Spence

Hi Greg,

I know he’s not your favorite person, but Casione (sic) asked if I would forward the article below to you for your comment. Thanks!

I hope all is well with you and yours!

Take care and God bless!


 Cascione has always been a mindless cheerleader for Objective Justification.
 Judas Goats save lives - their own.


You are not my favorite person either, Intrepid Judas Goat.

Have fun with your fellow apostates.


 Let me count how many have not been given the Left Foot of Fellowship in WELS or Missouri. They are numbered like the empty beer cans in the dormitory trash barrels. Gausewitz, under the bus, was the Synodical Conference president who wrote a Justification by Faith catechism used by all the participating sects.
A Little History

Spencer and I worked on the Orthodox Lutheran Forum together, but he bailed out when WELS made it hot for him.

He asked me about what to do about doctrine and practice in WELS. The idea, from SP Mark Schroeder, was to support him versus the Jeske Crime Family. I suggested a group discussion forum about doctrine. I trusted they would see the work of the efficacious Word, which in fact happened.

Spencer had a non-profit already set up and went with the discussion blog. He named it Intrepid Lutherans.

They tried to get me involved and I refused. Once I was invited to make a statement about Objective Justification, its crafts and assaults, so I did.

They insisted that every participant post their names.

Early one, Spencer told me he was convinced of OJ because the scholar Pastor Paul Rydecki supported it. Doug Lindee, a layman did not quite agree with me but posted his agreement later with my information about it coming from Halle University Pietism. I had help with that, as with all doctrinal research, from others.

Lindee joined ELDONA and stopped writing. Rydecki joined ELDONA and stopped writing. Kneprath, another layman like Lindee, joined ELDONA and stopped writing. ELDONA is a black hole in communication. The gravitas is so great that no one communicates, not even the Lord High Bishop, the Right Reverend James Heiser, former OJ advocate years before, OJ-JBFA compromiser for years, the Chief Article cheerleader in time to scoop up some ELDONA members.

I thought Spencer and maybe another pastor were in agreement with St. Paul, Luther, and the Book of Concord. Maybe Rydecki had the same communications.

When District Pope Buchholz kicked Rydecki out and tried to foreclose the mortgage on the church, the trembling rabbits hid behind Holy Mother Sect and became OJ again. With all the names exposed by Spencer's order, the WELS DPs began sending death squads out to scatter the remaining Intrepids.

Thus Spencer proved to be the perfect Judas goat, leading the WELS members and pastors to slaughter, up the ramp into the freight train, and skipping back down the ramp to enjoy life. 

Doubtless Mark Schroeder, his classmate and GA buddy, was very happy with the results.

 Are you sure you want to remain in the Intrepids?