Friday, November 8, 2019

Caleb Schmiege Nominated for Worship, Homiletics, and Basic English at Mordor's Seminary. Post from 2013


Sine Fide is a WELS worship band that exisits (sic) to provide alternative worship styles to enrich the church and reach those who don't know Christ.

Two chances to see us in the Madison area this week. Wednesday night at 6:30 at Eastside Lutheran, and Thursday night at 7 at St. Andrew in Middleton. Wednesday will be our full concert, Thursday will be selections from our concert with a hip, cool message from Pastor Randy Hunter.

Sine Fide hitting up the classic car show. Good way to end a great day of soccer camp. — with Caleb SchmiegePeter Schlicht and Caleb Schultz.


Another great week in Lannon. We added teo (sic) members of St.John's school, Maria and Hattie to two of our arrangements. It was great to see both of them excited about worship music like we are. We are enjoying a week off right now, but we have worship Saturday night, Sunday morning, and a concert on Monday night (Christ-Pewaukee, St. Paul's-Wisconsin Rapids, and Grace-Ridgeway, MN). We are almost to the halfway point of our tour and God is still blessing us through the churches and throught (sic) each other. \