Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Angry Dudes in the WELS Leadership.
Jars of Clay Hagiography - Tops The Glories of Mary for Saccharine Sanctimony

John Sparky Brenner forgot to mention - David Valleskey was so ashamed of studying at Fuller that he lied about it multiple times, but also bragged about it in a letter to CLC Pastor David Koenig. Note the lopsided smirk.

Mark and Avoid Jeske seldom hides his scorn, anger, and disgust that WELS is not as enlightened as he is. No surprise that one of his thralls took over for Ski (another Jeske thrall) at The CORE, which is the seeker sensitive entertainment sponsored by Tim Glende (yet another Jeske thrall).

 Scott Barefoot has posed with everyone in WELS except the Sprinter statue.

Here is "Pastor Mike" revealing how little he knows or understands the Bible. Note the straw man fallacy and utter lack of Biblical exposition. Calvinists use the Bible as a springboard for their own special ideas: that is where quasi-Christian cults come from - like Time of Grease.

Help reach a $116,000 goal by February 28 to reach a generation of young people who are disengaging from their faith . . . and are increasingly leaving the church.
By investing today, you’ll help reach more millennials through ministry on social media so they can connect personally with Jesus.
Though it’s free to post things on social channels, it’s not free to:
  • Promote devotional videos on Facebook
  • Boost posts on Instagram so they reach more people
  • Promote Time of Grace apps to a wider audience so they can find the spiritual answers they’re searching for.
GJ - Reminds me of Dune. We have to have money to promote our cult so we can reach more people with our cult so we can raise more money.

 Calvinist. Calvinist. Calvinist!

Valleskey hid his anger better than most, but he kept in the background. The pointmen were Paul Calvin Kelm, Larry Olson DMin Fuller, James Huebner, John Lawrenz, and a few others.

The Church and Changers are not Calvinist by their commitment to the Decretals of Dort - but by their opposition to Biblical, Lutheran faith. Calvinism is the default opposition position to the Biblical Means of Grace, the efficacy of the Word, Justification by Faith.

The joke at Mordor, when I was there - "Valleskey can't help it. He was an abused child. His father made him read all that Evangelical garbage when he was growing up."

Someone at Mordor hastened to say that Valleskey's dad, a pioneer in evangelism, saw his Detroit parish go away before the others.

Brenner's efforts to prop up Valleskey and JP Meyer are truly heroic, or just plain dishonest.

 "Scott and Richard, I do not need your ministry!"

Paul Gerhardt - His Hymns Honor Biblical Truths - Are They Still Believed and Sung by the Great and Wise?

"Thou beddest Him within the grave
Whose Word the mountains rendeth."
Those professors who deny Creation by the Word 
should refuse to sing this hymn - no?

"A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth"
by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

1. A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth,
The guilt of all men bearing;
And laden with the sins of earth,
None else the burden sharing!
Goes patient on, grow weak and faint,
To slaughter led without complaint,
That spotless life to offer;
Bears shame and stripes, and wounds and death,
Anguish and mockery, and saith,
"Willing all this I suffer."

2. This Lamb is Christ, the soul's great Friend,
The Lamb of God, our Savior;
Him God the Father chose to send
To gain for us His favor.
"Go forth, My Son," the Father saith,
"And free men from the fear of death,
From guilt and condemnation.
The wrath and stripes are hard to bear,
But by Thy Passion men shall share
The fruit of Thy salvation."

3. "Yea, Father, yea, most willingly
I'll bear what Thou commandest;
My will conforms to Thy decree,
I do what Thou demandest."
O wondrous Love, what hast Thou done!
The Father offers up His Son!
The Son, content, descendeth!
O Love, how strong Thou art to save!
Thou beddest Him within the grave
Whose word the mountains rendeth.

4. From morn till eve my theme shall be
Thy mercy's wondrous measure;
To sacrifice myself for Thee
Shall be my aim and pleasure.
My stream of life shall ever be
A current flowing ceaselessly,
Thy constant praise outpouring.
I'll treasure in my memory,
O Lord, all Thou hast done for me,
Thy gracious love adoring.

5. Of death I am no more afraid,
New life from Thee is flowing;
Thy cross affords me cooling shade
When noonday's sun is glowing.
When by my grief I am opprest,
On Thee my weary soul shall rest
Serenely as on pillows.
Thou art my Anchor when by woe
My bark is driven to and fro
On trouble's surging billows.

6. And when Thy glory I shall see
And taste Thy kingdom's pleasure,
Thy blood my royal robe shall be,
My joy beyond all measure.
When I appear before Thy throne,
Thy righteousness shall be my crown,-
With these I need not hide me.
And there, in garments richly wrought
As Thine own bride, I shall be brought
To stand in joy beside Thee.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #142
Text: Is. 53: 7
Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1648, cento
Translated by: composite
Titled: Ein Laemmlein geht
Tune: An Wasserfluessen Babylon
1st Published in: "Deutsch Kirchenamt"
Town: Strassburg, 1525