Monday, February 18, 2019

WAM II's Essay - A Glimpse into the Organized Effort To Radicalize Missouri and WELS. Purpose? Power! Money! Creeping Ecumenism

 We met WAM II at the funeral of Fred Rutz Senior.
Maier was just as sociable as he looks here.
OJists glare and fume a lot, I have noticed.

I am not sure about the logic or sanity of people telling me what to write or ordering me not to publish. I seldom respond to other Facebook or social media posts, except to agree, sometimes to add a Constitutional or Biblical point.

The Maier essay is linked here.

One reader asked about the Walter A. Maier II essay lodged alone in the precious WELS Essay File, which has grown faster than the Oxford English Dictionary, without adding much to theological knowledge. I am so old that I remember when it was an accordion file folder left on the circulation desk at the seldom used Mordor Library. In fact, I remember an excellent paper by Fredrich that never made it into the current digital monstrosity, a clear case of metastasis. No room at the inn? He was an excellent teacher, writer, and historian. His essay was about the disasters every time Lutherans were marking the Reformation - like 2017.

The Holy of Holies contains two (2) contradictory essays by Jay Webber. The first questions whether the upcoming ELCA is truly Lutheran, based on Braaten-Jenson's hideous Dogmatics. However, his "Oh Jay!" essay, 30 years later, adopts the same Universalism condemned in the first one. One can expect no less from someone who just got an STM from an online ELCA school.

Why Write about WAM II? 

WELS ->In this paper Maier opposes the Synodical Conference view of objective justification. Many of Prof. Siegbert Becker's papers on objective justification were in part directed against Maier's views. Similar views were held by some members of the WELS congregation in Kokomo, Indiana, who objected to WELS position on this doctrine. The LCMS rejected Maier's position in their statement on justification, though they do not mention his name.

GJ - Big lie above. The Gausewitz catechism taught Justification by Faith. The LCMS KJV Small Catecism did the same.

An anonymous scribe, perhaps Brug, added the warning in red to the essay. Someone gave me proof of Mordor doing the same with dogmatics quotations that actually teach Justification by Faith! The nerve. Is Mordor a bit insecure about their demonic dogma? I think so.

First, Some Criticism and Sympathy
I do not like slogans, because they become dogmatic weapons several steps removed from the Scriptures. Supposedly, WAM II used "The Atonement plus faith = forgiveness" or something similar. That sounds like a loose construction, if I am quoting correctly.

On the other hand, I do not like essays written only for a few theological professors. That is not in the style of Luther, the Book of Concord, or the Bible. This essay is ponderous.

The Righteous Brothers, Jack and Bob Preus, were using this issue to crush WAM II as a leader of the LCMS. They were wrong in the content of their claims and disgusting in the methods.  They evoked the cowardly nastiness of the first Missouri Pope, CFW Walther, who led the riot to overturn Bishop Stephan, rob him of all his gold-land-books, and kidnap him to Illinois.

They demoted WAM II for teaching the truth! 

I can see WAM II unleashing his academic ability to show that Justification by Faith is indeed the Chief Article, without feeding the hunger of the Norwegian Dobermans. Nevertheless, I wish WAMII would have confronted the horrible errors of Objective Justification, which cannot be excused, explained, or made palatable.

For example:
  • Justification by Grace! through Faith - is now used as a deceptive introduction to OJ. Because of this, the slogan should have been euthanized rather than employed.
  • Quoting errorists of the LCMS tradition - Walther, Franzmann - elevates them to undeserved deutero-canonical status. What happened to a brief summary of the Scriptures - with notes and condemnations from Luther and the Book of Concord?
  • Using a lot of Greek in English form does not help. A supplement afterwards might have helped.

WAM II is not a false teacher. The Righteous Brothers and their evil comrades were using a little understood term to usurp authority through deception, bullying, and well-understood threats. Synodical vengeance is visited onto the third and fourth generations, but the truly perverse are rewarded.

Epitome of Justification by Faith
Genesis 15:6 clearly states that Abraham was Justified by Faith because he believed the Messianic Promises of God.

Romans 4 uses Abraham as the prime example of Justification by Faith, extending that lesson to include everyone who believes the Gospel. They too are Justified by Faith.

This teaching is hated, vilified, persecuted, and distorted beyond all human understanding so the radicals can crow on top of their manure pile.

Facebook Friends Respond to Posts

 Dude! Why join ELCA? The leaders are just like LCMS-WELS bureaucrats - career criminals in doctrine.

Don Gutz 
I am so sick of your attacks on the Lutherans. If you are so upset with these three synods, then join the ELCA. You are tiresom (sic) and boring!!

FrThomas Aaron Frizelle 
Dude, why are you going on about Preus and WAM II?! Who cares? Post your sermons instead. Write about the glory of God instead. Or just share a humble prayer, or a prayer request. You're starting to sound like Rod Serling.

 "Picture a blog. Not just any blog. A very special blog. One with almost 17,000 posts and close to 7 million views."

 They rejoice in their opposition to Justification by Faith and work closely with Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber's ELCA. Are they Lutheran? Long before Q, I did my own research.

GJ - These are Facebook friends I do not know, and they still have me listed as a friend.

I assume that they remain nominal friends because they want updates, which I gladly offer at no cost to them. If there are posts I do not want to read, I do not write the authors to excoriate them for writing something anathema to me.

When I was in Cleveland, a funeral director used "dude," circa 1973. I thought that language fad had died away.

This is the philosophy of ELCA, and yet LCMS-WELS-ELS are happy to work with ELCA on a wide variety of religious projects, with WELS Pastor Mark Jeske as the Thrivent Paymaster.

To Build a World-Wide Classic E-Library for Everyone To Use.
Free Ebooks and Low-Cost Printed Books

 Returning from her gig in the Philippines - Andrea!
We all prayed for her, and she went from 2+ pounds to 12+ in about three months.

At 5 AM I was talking to our Philippine missionary and to Ivy, whose baby Andrea was born in the Philippines while she was visiting. The digital age has expanded our reach and shrunken our world. I was getting real time photos of baby Andrea - and a short video too.

Job's Comforters, whose descendants are legion, enjoyed the extreme poverty of our little Bethany Lutheran Church. We had no building or mortgage; no church lawnmower, since we lacked a lawn. But that only freed us to blog and to publish.

During that time, the Internet reached a new stage of maturity. When I first taught online, we used printed books, so they arrived by mail when I had new classes. Soon the texts were all ebooks which were already in the online classroom when the course started.

I enjoy printed books and still routinely order them for hobby reading (US Navy) and for theological research. However, they are a problem of weight, delivery, and cost, even though inexpensive when sold as used books.

Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

Alec Satin began collecting public domain (no copyright) books and publishing them as ebooks: no cost, instant delivery, many potential formats.

Since certain 19th century press-lords want to control printed books and gather the dollars from that monopoly, it suits us to make them free as ebooks, public domain for anyone's use. No one needs to worry about the press-harpies jumping on them and creating problems. If someone wants to reprint or edit Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - no problem.

Faithful Lutherans Need E-Library Nodes. You Can Be One.

Public domain is the opposite of the monopoly approach. No one can tell you what to do or how to do it.

Lutherans in various locations and countries should set up public access to the books they want others to have. That can be a blog or website. Others have already done this for Luther's Sermons and other Luther books.

My favorite way to transmit and to share is using Dropbox. The lower level is free and people can build up a lot of free storage space by inviting people, etc. I may go professional soon.


A Dropbox link can open up an ebook, whether the user has the software or not.

Some of our members and friends took the time to scan and save all of Lenski in PDFs, so we have them linked here.

As long as I am around, I will add public domain sources to that link. But we all know that websites and Internet sources go away, sometimes without warning. If a number of people share their own Internet Luther, Lenski, the old classic Lutheran books, etc, they will not disappear as some of Bunyan's printed works did - from constant use and sharing.

Those who value these works should keep local backups of their favorites and Internet sources like Dropbox. We know software changes and the hits of today become the Netscapes of yesteryear.

 Norma A. Boeckler has her own books, helps others with theirs, and illustrates all of mine.

Printed Books Are Still Loved and Used.

The policy for all my print books is to publish them retail for no profit, with Kindle ebooks at 99 cents. Those who want the printed books at my cost can order them at roughly a 75% discount over retail. Just write me at

The initials are for Every Day Low Prices!

 These are books being delivered to the Philippines, in person, by our church attorney, Glen Kotten.
Notice the covers by Norma A. Boeckler.