Friday, July 26, 2019

Some Samples of Dishonest Conversation

 "Faith is an organ," says LQ's Nadler, fainting from the strain of his outbursts.

Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
Advanced Member
Username: Drboisclair

Post Number: 673
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Saturday, July 27, 2019 - 12:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thank you, Steve Schmidt! At least Luther is quoted properly here. Luther is misused by those who deny the scriptural doctrine of Objective Justification. They make use of Luther like other errorists who quote Luther against himself. Luther predicted that this would happen.

They lie that say that we who believe, teach, and confess Objective Justification deny Justification by faith alone.

Objective Justification, which is scriptural (2 Cor. 5:19, Romans 4:25; 5:18) cannot be accused of being a Pietistic, Synergistic, or Arminian doctrine as Ichabod alleges. It is a biblical doctrine that is centered in Christ not in man as the doctrine of Ichabod is with their unscriptural exaltation of faith to be a condition that induces God to forgive an individual. Faith is not a condition but a God-created receiving organ.

GJ - I was going to list some basic samples of dishonest conversations among Lutherans, so Nadler stimulated an earlier listing.

  1. It is widely known that the Reformation's theme was Justification by Faith. No scholar has tried to prove that Luther or St. Paul nursed a passion for Objective Justification.
  2. The disciples of Stephan and Walther pretend the migration was a battle for religious freedom, a re-establishment of Lutheran doctrine. The Stephan sex cult was Pietistic, not unlike the Wheat Flour Messiah of Sweden, whose mind was righteous and whose body was adulterous. His followers revered Jannson and kept his possessions as religious relics.
  3. The Hive speaks constantly of the "doctrine of Objective Justification and Subjective Justification," but there is no such language or doctrine in the Bible.
  4. The OJ revelation is so sublime, so mysterious that no one in the cult can solve the issue of when OJ happened - or how many times it happened. 
  5. The OJ guru David Scaer has solemnly stated that OJ is the peculiar dogma of Midwestern Lutherans. However, his OJ partner Robert Preus sought out non-Lutheran Evangelicals and Calvinists for help in his OJ battle against WAM II.
  6. WELS-ELS-LCMS! They love to boast about how conservative they are, but they share the same basic concept of all mainline denominations (an honest category for the "conservative" Lutherans too) - God's grace has already pardoned the entire world.
  7. They pretend the WELS-ELS-LCMS leaders have always taught OJ, but WELS-LCMS officially taught Justification by Faith until the OJ Hive took over, step by step.
  8. These groups are conservative and Bible, swearing to the Scriptures as the ruling norm, the norma normata. Wonderful - let them teach about forgiveness and salvation without their philosophical terms, borrowed from sects and cults.

LutherQuest's Nadler Denounces St. Paul and the Holy Spirit as "Synergists" -
They Cry Like Starving Orphans - "Even Worse than Fideism!"


"We have a Q.E.D., quod erat demonstrandum, "that which was to be demonstrated," of Synergism on the Ichabod website: In one of their exquisitely decorated text boxes they quote Romans 4:24-25 ("But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification") and put the subscription: "'If we believe on Him ..' is a condition." This is more than Fideism. It is pure Synergism. Faith is not a condition of God's forgiveness of us. The statement implies that it is up to man to provide the condition or requirement of faith." 
David Boisclair, Advanced LutherQuisling, 640 hopelessly confused posts

 The evidence!

 Even more evidence!


GJ - I mentioned on Facebook - the opponents switch to philosophy when someone mentions the Scriptures. 

The Gospel creates faith by the power of the Holy Spirit in the Word. That is not synergism.

I do not want to get into Greek, because the Ft. Wayne graduates do not even know English.

Below are two graphics, examples of synergism, though bizarre - making a decision for Objective Justification.

 "Must accept" OJ.

 Will he accept or will he decline?

PS - Boisclair, hopelessly illiterate about Biblical teaching, labels all the Atonement passages as Objective Justification.

PPS - Expecting the LutherQuislings to understand Luther is like asking AOC to explain the US Constitution. Just like their brutalizing the Book of Concord, they take Luther's Atonement passages for an OJ he never taught.

It is a typical Calvinist technique to cling to a Christian doctrine and insert a parallel, erroneous interpretation while pretending to be the true Christians.

CFW (Calvinist False-Teaching Windbag) - he was raised by a Rationalist pastor, trained in Rationalism, and passed the exams of the Rationalists to become a Rationalist pastor. The German territories were Union Church, a combination of Lutheran and Calvinist, with the emphasis on Calvinism. Walther sought spiritual guidance from his Pietist friends and two Pietist gurus, the second one being Martin Stephan.

Thus Walther was really a combination of Rationalism, Calvinism, and Pietism. He did not repristinate Luther but sought to become a new Luther, the Great Prophet who answers all questions.

Another Calvinist Insight from the Cascione Hive

 "On a personal note I wish to say that it was Francis Pieper's Christian Dogmatics that got me in my seminary studies to grasp the astounding truth that God's forgiveness of us comes to us WITH NO CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS, OR ANY 'STRINGS ATTACHED.' Praise God for this boundless and amazing mercy!"
LutherQuisling Boisclair


GJ -

 "If we believe on Him.." is a condition.



The link below takes you to the papers from the 2018 ELDoNA colloquium.  Of particular interest is Pastor Paul Rydecki's paper "On Francis Pieper's Misuse of Romans 4:25 as a Biblical Basis for Objective Justification" in relation to the quote above.


Let Your Yes Be Yes - The Satanic Genius of Double Talk.
Dishonest Communication

 WELS: "GA? There is no GA."
At graduation, "Remember the pond?"

Matthew 5:37 But let your communication [logos, statement] be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

37 εστω δε ο λογος υμων ναι ναι ου ου το δε περισσον τουτων εκ του πονηρου εστιν.

The perfect verse for WELS is Matthew 5:37, because that one verse goes against their entire GA culture.

GA is their secret initiation week, where the sympathetic seniors pretend to be "hards," and the mean seniors act as though they will protect and help the new seminary students. They begin with a fake debate over whether they will have GA. Wink, wink. Oldster pastors come back to watch the antics, remembering perhaps the gay GA pope who is now Michigan DP. One of the standard pranks is "losing the pope's bowling ball" in the pond full of raw sewage. The new students have to look for it. The new students are told to take off their sewage-soaked clothes outside the dorm, and the female kitchen staff watch the nude students from the kitchen windows. 

When a WELS leader declares something to be true, and every pastor knows it is a lie, that sends a message. "We will do this and you will be quiet." WELS pastors will go into a meeting, misleading a layman, and suddenly switch sides after being super-sympathetic. All meetings in WELS are fake, because the outcome is decided beforehand in the pre-meeting.

WELS is not unique, just highly polished after decades of practice and winnowing out the bad eggs. They have fewer, but better members this way.

The synod politician is easy to spot. He wants to be buddy-buddy (Paul McCain, Jay Webber, Jon-Boy Buchholz, Steve Spencer, Jack Cascione, John Shep, Paul Fleischer, His Holiness James Heiser) - until he is the opposite.

These synod politicians seek to gain the advantage through dishonesty. The trouble is, the dishonesty habit is tough to break. When Jack Cascione wanted me to review his book on lists in the Bible, he printed my name as "Pastor Gregory Jackson, PhD Yale". That was a lie, and he knew it. I told him that was wrong - he must have thought that gave his book cover more credibility. Later, he decided I was a bad guy, and he dropped my name from his vanity press book.

The LutherQuisling blog invited me, in a friendly way, to post on their odious site. I did, and they answered by attacking me. I did not mind their attacks, but their initial deception gave them away for what they were. A friend said to me, "Why should you waste your time posting with those skunks?" I once had a pet skunk - maybe I was nostalgic about Hilda.

Mrs. Ichabod likes to keep up with the latest debates. I read her some samples from LQ, the cloaca maxima.

She said, "How does that make you feel when they call you all those names?"

I said, "It is very encouraging." She burst out laughing. Over the years she gradually learned that getting flak is a sign of being right over the target.

I even had an ankle-biter send a friendly email about Romans 5, claiming the entire issue depended on one word - "many." (Calvinistic Claw Machine alert) The next message was - I had never dealt with the word. Then the name-calling began, followed by an incoherent rant that supposedly proved his case.

Two things are consistently true about Objective Justification addicts:

  • They are pathological liars.
  • They are perpetually angry.

One would guess that their gushing about grace would make them full of grace. But that is what Luther warned about the sectarians. They talk about Jesus all day but they tear down the bridge to Him, the Means of Grace. 

No one needs the Word, according to OJ, because God has already declared the entire world righteous, forgiven, saved.  Once upon a time, there was one Moment of Universal Absolution without Faith - Easter (Halle Pietism).

Now there are many Moments - 

  1. The Cross - "It is finished."
  2. The angelic choir "good will to men," 
  3. The Garden of Eden. "He denies Garden of Eden OJ!"

And why not? Their guru Calvin has all salvation and all damnation determined before the world began - or maybe after the Fall was when that "horrible decree" was announced. Calvin's dogmatic sources, like OJ's, are invisible in the Bible and seen only by the elite.

Calvinism and OJism make faith and the Means of Grace irrelevant. OJ faith (sometimes marketed as SJ) is merely faith in the sublime truth of OJ

Could this be why the WELS pastors are notorious for alcoholism, adultery, and uncouth behavior? (Source - Father Steve Spencer)

 Easter is all about petting baby bunnies and other gimmicks, like meeting in a cemetery.