Wednesday, June 17, 2020

While Talking Roses, Rain!

 Queen Elizabeth is the star of this display of roses.

A new postman delivered a package to us, only one block off. I was thinking of reciting to him, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." (USPS, shamelessly borrowed from the Persian Empire)

I told the lady on the porch that the Post Office confused her address with ours, same number, different street. She said, "Where the roses are! My husband loved walking by."

We talked roses and what would help hers along the front of the house. Mrs. Ichabod, who suggested replacing the lawn with roses, will deliver the altar flowers with me today. Those Veterans Honor and Easy Does It roses are fully opened and magnificent after being arranged on Sunday morning.

While we were talking roses - rain! None was predicted all week.
After a trip to the store, a sure-fire way to be a rainmaker, the deluge came down. Rainbarrels are full again.

 This bargain rose, found on clearance for 5, is also the largest bloom of the hybrids, Bride's Dream. 

I am taking dozens of photos of the garden flowers for a picture book later. One member's interest got me thinking about a good way to enjoy the flowers by themselves, without all the writing. Some wording yes, but not a lot. Other members liked the idea.

Next is The American Calvin: CFW Walther.

 California Dreamin'