Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Watch the Water - China Is Flooding and Also Suffering Drought

China built the enormous Three Gorges Dam to control floods and to generate electricity. The dam was a failure from the beginning.

"In a recent interview with NTD TV, Huang’s son Huang Guanhong said if both the upstream Chongqing City and the downstream Wuhan face the risk of flooding in summer, the authorities will have to choose between sacrificing Chongqing or Wuhan. In other words, there is no way both cities can be saved."

That is also called "the tail waters versus the head waters." If the tail water builds up to protect the eastern city of Wuhan with 11 million people,  the western Chongqing City will flood. To save Chonqing City, Wuhan must be flooded with the head waters. Both are major cities. 

The authorities have also admitted that the dam is deformed, as satellite photos show. They sound fatalistic about the dam failing altogether.

If that is not bad enough, various articles claim that the dam was built with shoddy materials and not secured to the bedrock. That was noted by an outside engineering firm, which was fired for being racist, anti-Chinese. That may explain the dam showing definite deformation, a scary prospect given the damage caused by the Midland area earthen dams, which failed together - Edenville collapsing and overwhelming the Sanford dam.