Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Bigger Crime Than the Biggest Breaking Scandals - The Biblical Text

 It all depends on how we read it, eh?

Very few clergy know Hebrew and Greek. Hardly any clergy have a working knowledge of Greek, which is fairly easy to learn. Of that group of New Testament Greek users, a tiny fraction are familiar with text criticism.

Like the Three Gorges Dam, the modern Bible starts out without a direct connection to bedrock. They were in a hurry to build the dam, which was a money-maker, so they did not dig all the way down to the bedrock. Bibles are money-makers, so there is hardly such a thing as a new Bible that does not gush money for the sponsors.

 Profiles in discourage - WELS President Schroeder hated the New NIV but went along with approving all translations, which made the NIV the official Calvinist, Objective Justification Bible.

Key people working on the text of the New Testament were apostates and charlatans, so they created their own foundation material by attacking the traditional text, the basis for Luther's Bible and the KJV. Tischendorf had his pets - Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. Hort had his fakey text theories spun out of his head and designed to remove the traditional text, which he loathed.

  • Picking a starting date of 1880, we can see that it only took 140 years for the traditional text of the Bible to be cast out like a leper, 
  • from congregations, 
  • from colleges, 
  • from seminaries, 
  • from any discussion of the Bible. 

From 1950 until now, the KJV went from dominant and trusted to rejected and distrusted.

ELDONA prides itself on being almost 100% pure Ft. Waynish, the seminary for guys who do not know Hebrew or Greek, with some possible exceptions. The practical seminary was designed for those without an academic foundation for theology, which used to mean - for Biblical studies. Want a call but in a hurry? - skip the foundation and get an MDiv from Ft. Wayne.

ELDONA has no use for the KJV or any modernized KJV (New KJV, KJV 21, etc). They like the outrageous NIV and the equally laughable ESV, both thoroughly Calvinistic and corrupt.

The same is true of the Little Sect on the Prairie, the Missouri Synod, and the Wisconsin Abusive Sect.

Now that the text is an adiaphoron, so is the translation a matter of indifference. The whipped cream decorating the cow paddy is "dynamic equivalence," turning the original text (OK, ignore that concept) turning the invented text into what the Holy Spirit really meant but was incapable of articulating.

The results are in. Statistically -

  1. No one is using the original text, with very few exceptions.
  2. No one is using a precise translation of the original text.
  3. Vast numbers are learning from the New NIV that "the entire world is forgiven," Romans 3.
 Many individual words are removed, too, and the traditional translation is footnoted to indicate there is another way of understanding it - young woman, instead of virgin in Isaiah 7.