Friday, August 28, 2020

"We Ran Out of Catholics" - Mark Jeske

Wisconsin Lutheran College invited predator Archbishop Weakland to give public lectures at their college, assisted by priests he knew. WELS lied about it and said it was a "private luncheon."
Mark and Avoid Jeske will substitute for Roman Catholic Vice-President Mike Pence at the commencement of the college.

Jeske's address will be, "We Ran Out of Catholics." He is ideal as an emergency substitute, because no one really knows what he believes.

 "We ran out of Catholics," Jeske explained to a group of MLC students trying desperately to stay awake.
 Jeske's Change or Die! business brings LCMS-WELS-ELCA clergy together so they can learn ecumenism from one another.

 ELCA Pastor Heidi Neumark was invited to speak at Mark Jeske's Change or Die! wind machine, featuring WELS, ELCA, LCMS, and women's ordination. Readers do not need to guess what ELCA women pastors stand for, starting with abortion on demand.