Thursday, September 17, 2020

Facebook Asked Me To Be Moderator of Historic St. John Milwaukee Page and Christian News - Hale Page.

Historic St. John Milwaukee

Christian News - Hale

The Historic St. John Milwaukee page on Facebook was moribund and lacking a moderator, so Facebook asked me to do it - and I accepted. The name was lame, so I spiffed that up to make sure people found what they were looking for. Hastings always called it Historic St. John, so I modified the page title to HistoricStJohnMilwaukee.

The Christian News - Otten page had no moderator, so Facebook asked me to be moderator there, too.

I changed the page's name to Christian News - Hale.

I am just going to post some positive messages about Biblical doctrine on both pages, and make people more aware of the KJV.