Thursday, September 3, 2020

How Much Will It Take To Get You into this Old New Hymnal?

WELS doubles-down on paid Presbyterian bar music, and on their pseudo-liturgy.

Dr. John Meyer, Martin Luther College, in a paper entitled "Things that Don't Change, Stay the Same":

"As the WELS declines, it is doubling down on a new hymnal with even more emphasis on liturgical worship at the same time that society is becoming less churched and more informal. Even though some congregations that have moved away from liturgy have found success connecting the gospel to people with non-Lutheran backgrounds, people within the Lutheran culture suggest that if people would only change and like traditional liturgy they would love it. Instead of seeking to connect with people where they are, Lutheran leaders seek to change people by training them to love the liturgy....People won't do it. They will simply move on to something that makes sense to them....Deep change is difficult. It requires admitting one is wrong....It is actually easier to persist in disfunction (sic) rather than adopt successful new practices, even if it is clear that failure to do so is harmful to oneself and the organization."

John Meyer. Director of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education

Office: WCC 115

PhD, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities: Educational Policy and Administration
MS University of Wisconsin, Madison: Curriculum & Instruction
BS Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm MN: Education

Dr. John Meyer is the director of the graduate studies program at MLC. He also teaches Foundations of Educational Research to graduate students as a co-instructor, and Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary and Middle Schools to undergraduates.

 They work overtime to keep the door windows clean.


GJ - How cruel, to quote these leaders of apostasy. Meanwhile, our little group continues in the historic liturgy and creeds, the 75 year-old The Lutheran Hymnal, and the KJV. The KJV and its younger cousins are the only Bibles exemplifying inerrancy, the Means of Grace, and Justification by Faith.

The aw-ficial Bible of the WELS is the NIV, which repudiates inerrancy, plays games with the text, rejects the Means of Grace, and teaches Justification of the World.