Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hilarious Post from the LutherQueasies - Needs Calvinist News Coverage

Best CTQ issue ever?

Concordia Ft. Wayne put out an issue that has the LutherQueasies virtue-signaling at flank speed. The volume deals with the Book of Concord, which the LQ contributors despise and reject in every possible way.

Glancing at the contents - here are some tidbits.

Robert Preus wrote about the Book of Concord, but he used the opposite of the Chief Article to get rid of Dr. Walter A. Maier, II as a political force in the LCMS. Later, Preus published an essay where he combined Objective Justification quotations with those clearly criticizing the eructations of Halle Pietism - the Easter absolution of the world. Still later, two of his sons, Rolf and Daniel, edited Robert's final book, Justification and Rome, where almost all the material on Justification was against OJ and only a mention or two could be understood as pro-OJ. Rolf was outraged that I quoted the book - but in his epic North Dakota Oilpatch Lectures - he managed to glorify OJ once again but did not even mention the book he helped to edit. "There are no good writers, only good editors." (Old journalism motto - to which I have to add - "But there are bad editors who clearly do not comprehend what they are doing.")

 Justification by Faith is the Chief Article that dare not speak its name - in the LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic).

Klug seems to have a worthwhile article in that issue, on Luther and his great confession of the Lord's Supper.

 The keystone and the cornerstone of Protestantism - both are neglected today by the Barth-loving, Fuller-attending "conservative" Lutheran leaders. Does anyone wonder why David Scaer found the influence of the Maier family odious?

Find someone today who agrees with this brilliant statement from Dr. Walter A. Maier. The Ft. Wayne faculty and many others missed a chance to apologize to WAM II before he died. They beat him like a rented mule for teaching Justification by Faith, but they did not have the guts to explain they were Justification by Faith deniers. No, they called him an OJ-denier! 

The seminary faculties of LCMS-WELS-ELS are happy with the radical rejection of the traditional text, which is only found in the KJV family of translations today. Therefore -

  1. They oppose inerrancy because they have no problems with the NIV, ESV, and Surfer Dude paraphrases (Surfer Dude stands for all the wild hooey put out by charlatans for a quick buck.) They tolerate everything except the KJV, which is like the Roman Empire tolerating every god except the One True God.
  2. They openly oppose the Chief Article, Justification by Faith - embracing instead the anti-Gospel toxins of OJ, with its multitude of fraudulent explanations and misleading attacks.

 David had his Bathsheba, and Scaer had his OJ.