"Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray"
by John R. Wreford, 1800-1881
by John R. Wreford, 1800-1881
1. Lord, while for all mankind we pray
Of ev'ry clime and coast,
Oh, hear us for our native land,
The land we love the most!
2. Oh, guard our shores from ev'ry foe,
With peace our borders bless,
With prosp'rous times our cities crown,
Our fields with plenteousness!
3. Unite us in the sacred love
Of knowledge, truth, and Thee;
And let our hills and valleys shout
The songs of liberty.
4. Here may Thy Gospel, pure and mild,
Smile on our Sabbath hours
And piety and virtue bless
Our fathers' home and ours.
5. Lord of the nations, thus to Thee
Our country we commend.
Be Thou her Refuge and her Trust,
Her everlasting Friend.
Hymn #578
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Romans 13:1-7
Author: John R. Wreford, 1837, ab., alt.
Composer: John Day's, 1562
Tune: "St. Flavian"
1st Published in: Psalter