Saturday, April 24, 2021

Staying Outside the PLAN - By Encouraging Faith in Jesus Christ, The Son of God

Cousin David Preus also considered himself born to the purple. He promoted Holy Communion with the Calvinists the way Jack & Robert Preus promoted Objective Justification with the Calvinists. Notice the lopsided smile, often imitated by Mark and Avoid Jeske, PLAN. Sorry to say, I knew them all.

The Preus Crime Family joined the LCMS with a vengeance. Robert and Jack Preus, brothers and sons of the former Minnesota governor, switched from the Little Sect on the Prairie to Missouri after starting the LCMS/WELS-ELS fake schism. Robert was the first graduate of New Ulm's tiny seminary.

Now they all belong to the PLAN - Pan-Lutheran Association of Nonbelievers. The color green denotes the filthy lucre uniting them:

  1. Anti-Means of Grace
  2. Anti-Justification by Faith
  3. Anti-Efficacy of the Word
  4. Anti-King James Version (aka the Tyndale-Luther Bible).
  5. Thrivent sycophants.
One reader has stated that he wants to see those Lutherans organized who do not bow their knee to the PLAN or beg funds from Thrivent, the promiscuous father of the PLAN.

I helped organize independent little gatherings years ago, when Bishop Heiser (nee Jim Heiser LCMS) showed up to sheep-steal. Some good things happened in spite of his toxic presence. 

The advantage we have now is the ease of communication by video, blogs, the various social media, including YouTube. 

We need several generations ready and willing to learn more about Lutheran doctrine and the basics of the Bible. I am working on The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the KJV. Our new venture is videos, so various topics like the Bible can be presented via YouTube and UStream.

That is what I see helping to establish congregations in the future - laity and even some clergy willing to work without dysfunctional synod help and enslaving Thrivent funds. The true Church is not established by funds and organization but by teaching and preaching.