Sunday, September 12, 2021

Giving Up Four Legs for Sassy's Bed


Sassy was quite a jumper after I trained her to grab the orange ball out of a long, slow lob.

She is no longer such a jumper. When Atlas and Alaska, super-sized puppies, arrive at our house, they are just like young Sassy was - jumping, loping in big circles, leaping to the side to start a tag game. 

Ten years ago, Sassy would tear out of the front door, run halfway to Bob's and coming back full speed. She reached the point where she needed help to jump onto the bed. We played various games. One consisted of being petted several times - and praised - before she would attempt a jump onto the bed. That always ended with triumphant barks, even though she expected help to reach the top with her entire body.

Today we screwed four legs off the bed and lowered it to the floor. Sassy discovered she could hop into bed. She does not need help, so she will continue as landlord, leasing my part of the bed (33%) at a reasonable price.

She keeps her back toward me and barks with a cracked, melancholy cry. That means she needs some petting and praise. After her quota is met, she takes up her guard position and goes back to sleep.