Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Gospel of Mark among the "Conservative" Lutherans -
Where Are the Death or Glory Leaders? - Hiding Behind Their Quia Fig-Leaves!


The Gospels of Mark and John are the 1-2 punches used by the Biblical apostates to make a case for their own little vision of Jesus' ministry.

I will simplify their case. 

  1. The Son of God is removed from Mark 1:1 - Westcott-Hort.
  2. The resurrection is removed by stopping the Gospel at Mark 16:8. Westcott-Hort.
  3. The Virgin Birth is not recorded, feeding the claims of the rationalists. Westcott-Hort's theories are set in stone, the two men lionized, and their factual errors ignored.
  4. The Gospel of John is centuries later, not from the Apostle John, and not historical, the Tuebingen school - German rationalism.
The anti-Scriptural leaders do not have to prove their case, which hovers between absurdity and defying the facts. They only need to "damage" that particular doctrinal point, pile up experts, and leave people in doubt. After all, every verse has 99 wrong interpretations and one correct interpretation.

There is no difference today between the leaders of LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC(sic)-ELDONA and ELCA. They speak as one, loathe to use the KJV and its genuine text when they can feed their members Westcott-Hort rationalism 
  • in the name of science (don't laugh, that is very serious for them), 
  • scholarship (not like Dr. Maier's or Lenski), 
  • relevance (which is why they are losing membership in droves), 
  • and Mary. 
Yes, the adoration of Mary is very important to large numbers of "conservative" Lutheran clergy. The LCMS seminaries train men for Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy - in the name of good worship. 

Using the double-talk of Barth/Kirschbaum and Bultmann, these death-or-glory leaders utter fatuous combinations of fancy-talk that obscures their doubts. 

More later - in the book, the second edition of The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God.

 Edward Freer Hills is the antidote to the frauds in WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC(sic)-ELDONA. His PhD in text criticism is from Harvard, and his language studies were summa cum laud at Yale. Look for his book The KJV Defended.