Sunday, November 21, 2021

"Tomorrow, and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" - Earl of Oxford, Stage Name Shakespeare

 "There's Take Off Pounds Sensibly,
or Photoshop, or just using old photos."

We are all salted and peppered with Shakespeare, the pen name for the Earl of Oxford. I like to mention the truth about the bard to get certain people eager to send raging emails. Of all the writers of English literature, Shakespeare had the highest vocabulary - greater than Milton's - yet we are supposed to think a stage actor wrote the plays and sonnets of Shakespeare?

The fact that we think of Shakespearean phrases at odd times is a good reminder that the same level of literature is found in the King James Version of the Bible.

I sent Reading the Psalms with Luther (CPH) to someone, because it is a good, quick guide. However, the Psalms in that book are English Standard Version, a Bible owned by the extreme Leftwing National Council of Churches, just a cute avoidance of the squalid RSV and the New RSV. The ESV Psalms read like Beavis and Butthead translating Shakespeare so dolts like us can understand him better.

Naturally CPH did not use their classic The Lutheran Hymnal with the Psalms but quoted the watered down Lutheran Service Book.

I noticed that Bruce Cameron edited the volume. He was the editor who told me I could never publish through Concordia Publishing House because I contributed to Christian News. That was funny, because Jack Preus and Ralph Bohlmann and Al Berry became synod president by working with, flattering, and coaching Herman Otten. Matt the Fatt did the same later, ending with calling Herman a crazy liar.

Matt the Fatt earned his title by running old photos of himself 50 pounds lighter while eating like it was becoming obsolete.