Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Mix Does Not Work

Do you remember when this photo would have been a scandal? Kudu Don Patterson does.
 He also went from high church (WELS at least) to bee-bop.

Church and Change Your Gender.

Kudu Don's staff dressed up for Halloween or something. Is this guy holding a stapler in a menacing way? WELS cool is so funny.

Kudu Don had live bunny petting offered at their Easter services, because the Gospel is not enough. Abandoned, the bunnies joined a biker club to get more attention.

Someone observed that when conservative organizations are mixed with liberal elements, they eventually morph into liberal and finally radical entities. The Methodist Church is a good example. They began with the Social Gospel Movement around 1910 or so, with the Federal Council of Churches. The Social Gospel was the ecumenical face of Communism. Branches of Methodism (Wesleyan, Nazarene) pulled out until the liberals owned and controlled everything. Now the Methodists laugh at their founder and oppose everything he taught. 

The Lutherans have followed the same pattern. They chipped away at Justification by Faith until it became a cause for excommunication - except for Paul Kuske's case. They did nothing there except take away a meaningless title. DP John Seifert was so tough. 

The deliberate change should not surprise anyone, because WELS trained people on Gausewitz, which was used in the LCMS and ELS too. They kept "improving" it and then switched to Kuske's OJ catechism, a large, expensive and dumb book. (Not Paul Kuske, but his cousin) They were aided in this transition from the Gospel to Universalism by the Mordor president who got his OJ from the Walther-Pieper faction of Missouri.

Tossing Gausewitz under the bus enabled WELS to use the OJ of the liberal, mainline Calvinist groups to go whole hog on Church Growth Enthusiasm.

Panning, the Greek professor and former president of Mordor, edited Meyer. As Brother Shrader said, and I experienced, Panning never touched on OJ in his Romans class. However, Romans 4 completely obliterates all of the Meyer-Walther-Pieper falsehoods. Of course, the Scriptures do that throughout, from Genesis to Revelation, but that does not suit the false teachers who snip and clip what they like. Can anyone read this out loud for the Gospel lesson in church? Bueller, Bueller, anyone, anyone?

The Formula of Concord editors commended Luther's Galatians to all those who wanted to know more about Justification by Faith. LCMS-WELS-ELS completely ignore one of Luther's greatest works. For Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim's Progress, Luther's Galatians was his most read book after the Bible.

The ears of Objective Justification Dummies should glow red with shame when reading this, but they know it is their path to promotion.

The much-admired Preuss book is much closer to Calvinism and Walther than it is to Luther and the Gospel of Christ. Preuss repented of his quasi-Lutheranism and became a Roman Catholic intellectual leader.

A Fortunate Gathering

Happy Birthday, Pastor Jim Shrader

Long ago, at Augustana College in Rock Island, someone gave a lecture where he mentioned a club gathered to discuss various philosophical topics. I thought that sounded great, but I never saw anything developing like that.

"Huldrich Zwingli began the rejection of God’s work through the visible Word by proudly declaring that the Holy Spirit did not need a vehicle like an oxcart." Thy Strong Word, p. 432.

This morning, one pastor asked me on Facebook, "Zwingli said that?" That revived the memory from college. That reminded me that the idea promoted by the Augustana professor's lecture was already true for us at Bethany Lutheran Church, which pre-existed blogging but grew from blogging about Christian doctrine. The Word of God accomplishes so much, we should stand back from planning goals and trust in the Means of Grace.

We have all kinds of pleasant discussions about Christian teaching, past events, the future, and various ways to scatter the living seed, the Word. Therefore we have many different talents used to accomplish this. 

National events matter too. The press secretary quoted John 3:16 in her latest tweet. 

The National Canine Lobby has asked for more dog graphics.
Right Sassy? "Woof!"