Monday, June 21, 2021

A Female Cardinal Stopped By Today - I Was Honored

 This was a fashion event, and Cardinal Dolan loaned his best fish-hat for the occasion.

Wrong cardinal! My graphics department is stretching the truth a bit.

 By Norma A. Boeckler

I hoped for a storm last night, though the midnight rain was given a small percentage. As predicted, the morning rain began to fall in earnest - if rain is ever earnest - and brightened my day. I stood on the front porch and - a cardinal flew by me,  a few feet away. 

That was not enough. The female cardinal came back and rested on the top of the hummingbird feeder. I had not put seed on the hot sunny days. Now the message was clear - "Leave some food on the porch!" 

Cardinals love to sing for their meals, and I enjoy seeing them as regulars. One day a juvenile male cardinal fed at the kitchen window sill, oblivious to my stares.

Rain came thundering down and gave us a total of two inches. Ranger Bob thought I was foolishly watering before the storm. The rain-barrels were full again.

The recently cleared Rose Garden was absent predatory weeds and supercharged for the tall plants - clethra, Joe Pye - and lower plants - roses, mints - and bejeweled green cover full of low growing wild strawberries, with tiny yellow flowers and glowing red fruit.

When we had newly arrived coffee on the porch this evening, bees were working over the bee balm. I have seen them use the bird bath for a sip of water, but the rain left plenty on everything. 

Greek Saying - A Chameleon Can Be Any Color, Except White

At first, Jim Heiser was low church and not buying out C. H. Almy for clothing and expensive altar pieces. He only had an MDiv, but like all Concordia Ft. Wayne graduates, he was and is an expert on everything.

 Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne faculty place a heavy emphasis on Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic practices. Most ELDONUTS are Ft. Wayne graduates and refer to the St. Louis seminary as "the other one." St. Louis is quite Roman, too. One Ft. Wayne graduate called Eastern Orthodoxy "only a matter of polity." 

Heiser tried to grow his little group by merging with the Rolf Preus Synod. Although Rolf has only one topic, Objective Justification, Heiser said (on his own video) that he never heard of the extent of  the OJ heresy until Rydecki (WELS) was being kicked out. And Rydecki said Buchholz told a flat out lie!

 This seems to be at Heiser's congregation in Texas. Compare this photo to the first one on this page. As Chemnitz wrote of the Roman Mass, it is either a comedy or a farce.

 The Philippines - and Mars.

On pointy hats - "Evangelical Catholic" - a favorite Father Neuhaus term.

Another Bishop James Heiser

Name This Point from the Book of Concord

Namely, when under the title and pretext of external adiaphora such things are proposed as are in principle contrary to God’s Word (although painted another color), these are not to be regarded as adiaphora, in which one is free to act as he will, but must be avoided as things prohibited by God. In like manner, too, such ceremonies should not be reckoned among the genuine free adiaphora, or matters of indifference, as make a show or feign the appearance, as though our religion and that of the Papists were not far apart, thus to avoid persecution, or as though the latter were not at least highly offensive to us; or when such ceremonies are designed for the purpose, and required and received in this sense, as though by and through them both contrary religions were reconciled and became one body; or when a reentering into the Papacy and a departure from the pure doctrine of the Gospel and true religion should occur or gradually follow therefrom [when there is danger lest we seem to have reentered the Papacy, and to have departed, or to be on the point of departing gradually, from the pure doctrine of the Gospel].
