Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Losing Weight Is Not the Answer - It is the Result


I wrote to someone that I weighed less than I have for a long time. I was lighter when we were on a tight budget and food was carefully picked and eaten with elan. A transient came to our home and we borrowed money from him!

The recipient said, "I need to lose some weight." That was a major part of my problem, because I never faced the necessity of dealing with nutrition first and last. Once the warrantee ran out on my pancreas, I faced the facts because I had to. My habits ranged from horrible to SAD - Standard American Diet, long on carbos and fat, short on beans and greens.

I already had Fuhrman's (unread!) Eat To Live and read that back and forth, a great source for nutrition in all the major food groups. I ordered Furhman's book, The End of Heart Disease, a hardback in new condition from Alibris.com.

Blood sugar, blood pressure, and heart problems are closely related, and I wanted some focused material on such things as blood pressure medicine, insulin, and the relationship between food and heart problems.

Arkansas is the second most obese state in the Union, beaten only by Mississippi. (We beat them in literacy, too!) Nothing is talked about more than football contests, sweetened tea, and biscuits with gravy. And it shows. Everyone who doubts the relationship between weight and illness should spend some hours at a hospital waiting room. Unfortunately for me, the men I saw made me feel like a contestant for Mr. Universe (in the elderly category, of course). 

Some look at body mass, but body girth will do the job, too. Riding on a scooter is a hint as well.

Complete Change in Eating Habits

First I woke up to foods on the banned list - favorites:

  • Candy, ice cream especially - and desserts.
  • Worthless greasy salty carbs (snack foods).
  • Eggs - oh no! I cut way back but am making them rare.
  • White bread (I'm good) but much lower on dark bread (NY Rye? - sob). On the rare list.
  • Meat and fish - rare. No steaks.
  • Cheese is basically fat, lots of fat. Noping that.
  • Butter, oils, oils in pills. Cut back and now rare.

Here is the challenge, getting to the place where those are undesirable and not a bit tempting.

Here is a coffee parallel. I drink various kinds of coffee. If it is the one of the best I have ever had, I drink every drop - I savor every drop! If it is an ordinary bean, I drink 2/3rds and lose my desire for more.

Behold, the key to desiring good food - cut out the SAD calories. Why eat an orange after bacon, eggs, toast, and butter? "No, barrumph, I am full."

Fruits are very nutritious and not sugary because of the pulp, etc. Juices are sugar syrup. Fake sweeteners do not help because they make the body think sugar is being consumed.

Beans are loaded with nutrition and very satisfying. So are the crucifers, members of the cabbage family. A bowl of kidney beans or brussels sprouts are very enjoyable warmed up.

Greens are super-foods as well - with no calories. Fuhrman emphasizes the micro-nutrients and the many overlooked virtues of greens. The big one is - No calories! I am a big fan of spinach, so I will be getting canned spinach and work into other leafy greens. Kale? - I used to make fun of it when I could see it green in the snowy garden. I am changing my mind.

Nuts and seeds. I am already keen on walnuts and almonds. I will work on the seeds next.