Thursday, January 20, 2022

Paying Dearly for Bad Food

A parish member - who knows the numbers - agrees - Nutritious food is dirt cheap, but bad food is very expensive.

Beans and greens are popular with poor people because both food groups are satisfying. As I discovered in Creation gardening, there is an abundant supply of fresh, very nutritious weeds in any yard, starting with the hated dandelion, an herb brought up from Europe. Dandelions spawned a major industry - herbicides - like Scotts Lawn and Garden toxins. I used to eat Purslane and Pig Weed. 

The joke of the ages is that the promoted food groups - meat, milk, cheese, eggs, are very high in fat and relatively low in nutrition. When  it comes to cost per meal, beans and greens are a steal.

I always grew beans and tomatoes; Christina loved both, especially uncooked beans. Anything grown from seed is dirt cheap, to coin a phrase.

A bigger joke is paying for fattening over-salted food at a burger joint. The food is often old and dry, costs a bundle, and offers salt and fat in abundance. The Sass and I have a little at McDonalds because it means so much to her. I fail to order potato produces and soft drinks.

For lunch I had two huge bowls of spinach, a little bit of dressing, milled flaxseed, and blueberries. I find it ironic - eating a bale of spinach does not stuff the stomach the way SAD food does. I added flaxseed because it is good for blood pressure, somewhat like walnuts and blueberries. I will have walnuts later, too satisfied now. 

My desserts are either oranges or apples. The WM cashier was shocked at the price of Envy apples. But she would not have been surprised if I checked out a pound of steak, for $16 or more. WM even charges high prices for roadkill (just kidding, tougher than roadkill).

My blood pressure is way down and my weight is now at its lowest since the last century.

 "You taste good too!"