Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Now in Print! - Almost Ready for Kindle

Using a three-way strategy in Texas, Michigan, and Arkansas, the finishing touches were put on the new book yesterday.

Today the book is already in print and being ordered. As I said and wrote before, print copies will be sent - automatically - to our regular readers, no cost. 

The author's cost is almost $11, while the website cost is almost $20. 

The Kindle version will be $3, but is not available yet.

 Notice the agreement among the Nida troops, especially the WELS-LCMS faves, the NIV-ESV.

I added $1 profit to each KJV book and Kindle, so we could track sales. All the other books and Kindles have no profit, so the cost is reduced but their count is hard to figure. When profit is added, Amazon also boosts its cost, so I prefer non-profit overall.

The profit number will indicate interest outside of the usual readers, and the profit will be used to send more free books out. We get a lot of gifts that are put in the church account, used for broadcasting and publishing costs.