Thursday, April 21, 2022

Getting Rid of the Majority at Lutheran Seminaries

The Calvinist - Rev. Dr. Theresa Latini - had a moment of clarity in her life, and the students never forgave her for that. She works at the big Augustana Synod parish in Minnesota now.

A professor at United Lutheran Seminary, Philadelphia, just died at the age of 81, though they listed his birth as 1935. I am getting 87, but that may have been a typo.

He was their endowed professor of Anglican Studies, one more example of teaching everything except Luther's Biblical doctrine. When the ELCA seminaries finish hiring professors of 

  • various world religions, 
  • various denominations, and 
  • various genders (37 and counting), 

there are no slots left for traditional men who are Lutheran.

Go easy on me talking about marketing, but that is the only thing I learned in WELS. This ELCA swing to non-Lutheran leaders in their Lutheran seminaries is a big mistake, since only a few of their potential students belong to the World Council of Churches/NCC faction that runs ELCA. I do not need to tell anyone the favored population of their student bodies, but it is not promising.

ELCA rejoiced when Latini was replaced with a Professor of Lutheran Confessions, a man so talented, he was a pastor for only a few months, then serving only a few more months as bishop. Although they embraced Latini for being a Presbyterian woman, that did not match his remarkable resume, Professor-Pastor-Bishop-President Guy Erwin.