Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Creation Garden Is Coming Alive

Clethra, pictured here, is a late bloomer with Joe Pye. The scents and flowers attract hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Clethra is especially slow in growing, so I mark it with bamboo and put collars around the new sprouts.

We are entering the next phase of the Creation Garden. The roses are budding. Joe Pye is rising from the dried out canes of last year's crop. I leave that alone because the hollow tubes are good for beneficial insects.

Bee Balm is expanding, and last year's newbie plants are coming up stronger - Calla Lilies - for instance. 

New Clethra, after building up strength all winter, is barely there but producing tiny buds. I have to mark it with tall bamboo sticks, to protect them from mowing, week whacking, and predators. I also use collars to keep bunnies and squirrels away.

Last year's mature Hostas moved to the backyard and burst into full size in weeks. Hostas make people happy, because they come in many colors and attract hummingbirds.

I bought a few blue Hostas, Halcyon and Blue Mouse Ears. Another is some kind of whale.

The lilies are from Lowe's, in full bloom. Previous lilies actually popped up this year. 

So far the cold days alternating with warm days have kept the bugs down. Sassy guards the yard while I pull weeds or plant some new items. One German Shepherd walked down the street and was shocked into a trot and glances back from Sassy's warning barks.