Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Changes in the Gardens, Teaching Online Classes, and Video

Monday, we had a garden full of rose buds, now turning into hundreds of roses. The backyard gardens feature Joe Pye Weed and Hostas galore. The Hostas are in the shade of the green fence (bushes like Elderberry), along three border fences, a bit in the two gardens, and in the far backyard. Hostas multiply like rabbits in the right habitat.

My idea is to keep the backyard relatively trouble free while making the front yard a powerful attractant to butterflies, birds, Hummingbirds, and bees.

The Butterfly Garden - the sunniest area - is sporting Yarrow, Joe Pye, Bee Balm, and some other Butterfly plants.

Work Changes

I have dropped a series of online classes completely. Because the university overlaps classes, it is easy for them to bunch up two classes have three at a time.

I already feel the relief of that lower class load. 

I have 1.2 classes at GCU right now. 

Audio Video Changes

We have a good video streaming camera, and now we want to have better music coming through. I have some initial trials coming up, to see what changes, improves, or howls. Your expert advice is welcome. I can do more later in the month.

These changes will make it possible to lecture from the chapel, post them on or other platforms, and line them up for congregational use - plus others too.

Videos are welcome with Amazon book reviews, so there is a lot to be gained that way. LinkedIn is possible too.