Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Everyone Together - Repeat - The Meaning of Polls

The meaning of all polls - in one easy lesson.

1. Published polls are purchased to influence people - they have no factual value. Example - Fuller Seminary loves the polls it buys from the Barna Group - Barna's "Robbing the Egyptians" is a term lovingly repeated by David Valleskey, originally from Augustine. WELS cannot even make up their own slogans.

2. Private polls are intended only for the entity paying for them. They are not published but may be hinted at. 

What did we learn today, class? 

Answer - "Every published poll in the media has enormous potential for laughter."

 "But we were robbing the Egyptians! We spent millions of your money to revolutionize our shrinking, abusive sect. Cut us some slack!"