Thursday, August 4, 2022

Reverse the Use of Food Categories for Good Blood Test Results.
Suggestions for Mr. Green

We have a simple way to look at our health - the blood panel. After drawing blood, the diagnostic machine produces the mysterious numbers and explains what they mean.

The bad cholesterol is too high? Start eating one handful of walnuts or almonds each day. The good cholesterol will remove the bad stuff for great results on the next test. Avoid the party nuts with sugar or salt added.

High blood sugar on the A1C? Replace desserts, candy, and sodas with fresh fruits. Diet drinks are just as bad as sugared drinks: avoid them.

Blood pressure too high? Losing weight is the easy way to start lowering the numbers. Reducing meats, fish, milk, eggs, and cheese will lower the movement of fats from the plate to the waist.

Food cravings? Leafy greens - like spinach - by themselves will stop the eat-a-loaf-of-bread, box-of-chocolates, half-a-whipped-cream-cake food cravings. For example, note what happened after your last magical diet was over. Yes, several family members and the cat were knocked down in your mad rush to the freezer for ice cream.

A lifetime of bad food habits? That takes time to reverse, because we get away with a lot until we reach 60 or so. Weighing each day is a good way to track results. The first 5-10 pounds are easy. The rest of the loss comes from reducing the cravings for sweets, fats, and salt. 

Poor Folks Food - 

God's Answer to Obesity

My first grocery store stops after fresh fruits (apples, oranges, blueberries) are the frozen vegetables aisle, then the beans. I buy chopped frozen kale and collards, both super rich in nutrients, very inexpensive.

The best beans to buy for nutrition are the chickpeas. When they are out, I get garbanzo beans (a joke, they are the same, but sold under both labels). They satisfy hunger and have a zillion good qualities - plus they are cheap.

Poor people get by on beans and greens, which means they get the best nutrition while the upper classes are going to the doctor to get medicine to turn around their bad blood test results.

In Short - 

Reverse the Eating Machine.

  1. Eat small amounts of meat, milk, cheese, and fish.
  2. Eat large amounts of leafy greens, fresh fruit, beans, and nuts.