Friday, October 14, 2022

"But What Do You Like about the Calvinists. Be Nice."I Admire Everything about the Calvinists...


"I admire everything about the Calvinists, except their doctrine." (I believe this quote is from Krauth.)

Siegbert Becker was good on the difference between Lutherans and Calvinists, except his increasingly bizarre take on Universal Objective Justification

Becker's The Foolishness of God is an excellent discussion on Lutheran versus Reformed thinking.

Calvinists do not recognize the Means of Grace, the Word and Sacrament. Calvin himself always separated the Holy Spirit from the Word. That leads quickly to a philosophical foundation - rather than a Biblical foundation - for their dogmatics.

A lot of plain silliness has come from trying to meet the Calvinists on their muddy playing field. Walther promoted this and F. Pieper gloried in it. David Scaer published a book on Pieper Latin phrases, just about as useful as a DOS computer.