Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Three Stooges of Text and Translation Paraphrasing
aka Dynamic Equivalence


The Three Stooges - explained in the post below - being startled by the KJV and Justification by Faith.

The issue is more important than Martin Luther and all the theologians and scholars. The only revelation of God is the Old and New Testaments, each one so intertwined with the other that they are truly one divine unit, the Book of the Holy Spirit.

Billy Graham made a terrible mistake when he caviled with "inerrancy of the original manuscripts, which we no longer have." A second or two of discussion might have reminded him about the extreme care given by the rabbis in counting every word and letter of the original Hebrew text before the copies could be certified as accurate. 

The LCMS-WELS-ELS Stooges might consider the 5,000 witnesses of the Majority Text (Apostolic, Traditional, or Byzantine Text) versus Codex Sinaiticus (fraud) or Codex Vaticanus (the newer Latin copied into Greek to harmonize two factions). 

The Nestle-Aland-Stooge Greek New Testament is nothing more than the intellectual belches of Wescott and Hort, two anti-Christian crackpots who invented a bunch of rules which have proven to be utterly worthless. 

The Evil Four paraphrases are -

  • RSV  - National Council of Churches license
  • ESV  - National Council of Churches license
  • NRSV - National Council of Churches license
  • NIV  - Murdoch, then other profiteers.
The Three Stooges love the Nestle-Aland Stooge Greek New Testament because they follow the Left-Wing apostates from ELCA, the Episcopalians, the Unitarians, the Roman Catholics, and the rest.

The King James Version is excellent in its use of trustworthy copies and its steadfast handling of the English language. The Evil Four do not agree with each other and keep changing their own paraphrases.

All of the information above proves the foolishness and ignorance of the Three Synodical Stooges. God promised to guard His Word, and Jesus said, "Heaven and earth may pass away, but My Word will never pass away." Matthew 24:35

Moreover, the Scriptures are effective, but the Calvinistic and Roman Catholic minds do not accept the efficacy, clarity, and inerrancy of the Sacred Scriptures. In their Unitarian blasphemy, the synods give some credit to the Bible for raising cash but repudiate its message with unseemly sloppiness and juvenile slogans.

Note that the engorged and bloated dogmatics books show a lot of love for each other but little for the Scriptures. ELCA's dogma - so bad they try to deny it - is Braaten-Jenson. That travesty is no better or worse than Franz Goober Pieper, who was clawed into power by the Great Walther Himself.