Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Readers Are Enjoying the Nutrition Posts.
I Am Enjoying the Inexpensive Food.

 As others have pointed out, my father on the far left and his customers, are slender by today's standards. 

I am a bit hungry now, so I am going to have an orange or two. My mother pumped us full of skim milk (which I loathed) - lots of calcium. Skim milk causes more weight problems than whole milk - long term studies.

Oranges have calcium too.

Here are top vegetables with calcium, a gentle hint that this was designed by the Logos, John 1:3.

KJV John 1:3 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. 

Some veggies loaded with calcium

  • Collard greens
  • Edamane
  • Turnip Greens
  • Kale
  • Mustard Greens
  • Bok choy
  • Dandelion greens - no herbicide please. They are herbs, not weeds. I had two blossoms during Christmas.
  • Snow peas
  • Brocolli
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Squash
Now I look in the freezer and wonder, "What is this good for in nutrition?" I never knew this about sweet potatoes:
  1. Anti-oxidants
  2. Potassium for energy, nervous system
  3. Vitamin C - almost a daily dose in one serving
  4. Vitamin A and E - good for the eyes
  5. Magnesium for blood pressure and blood sugar
  6. Low glycemic (the opposite of popcorn and donuts)
  7. Beta-carotene, which converts to A
  8. Fat-free, fibrous, and folate
  9. Good for the skin
I can easily cook frozen sweet potatoes, and I often did for Christina. I have tilted away from Schwan's now and gone back to supermarket frozen and canned food. I even bought a can opener. Schwan's has many good frozen vegetable selections, but the big money is in the prepared foods and desserts, two categories I am nixing.

I wrote to one member that people should not get into extremes that make them toss the whole idea out. Opti-fast is a good example (lose 20 pounds, gain 30). "Never eat anything that tastes good" is another. A never-never diet usually ends in binge candy dessert eating. The trouble is not using satisfying good food, including some meats.

One sign of high blood sugar is eating an unusual amount of sweets, whether ice cream or candies. That spikes blood sugar, which then makes us sluggish, so we want instant relief - high sugar content. In contrast, a combination of vegetables and greens will end the sugar craving and provide real energy.

I pulled out a bag of frozen raw vegetables today (Schwan, Normandy Blend) and microwaved a bowl 3 minutes, with one pat of butter - delicious.

I went over the Fuhrman material on butter and decided to reduce that quite a bit. All oils have the most calories per ounce, compared to anything else, so cutting back there is just as smart and reducing white sugar, white flour, and junk food.

For your own amusement and edification, google "nutritional benefits of _____" and name a food. Or go the other way and ask for "foods with the most vitamin C". Cauliflower? Number 4? You must be kidding! Kale too?

In general, more processing of the food means more salt, more sugar, more fat. Low fat processed food often means a lot more sugar. More processing also means more money - let that sink in. Go to McDonalds and get two chicken sandwiches, no fries, no drinks. $8.50. Next go to the grocery store and spend $8.50 on vegetables, fresh and frozen and canned. Which purchase is more difficult to carry and has more food value?

Look them up for nutrition - eat them for satisfaction and health. They taste great.

Here Is a Book List for your New Testament Studies


Authors and Books - Good and Bad – On the Greek New Testament

            This list is very important, necessary for a better grasp of these issues concerning the Bible and its accurate translation. They are in order of importance, so the top ones are best to start. I buy used copies most of the time, from Alibris. Other used sources are Amazon used books, Biblio, and eBay. Watch and wait, because some very expensive books are offered for a fraction of the price later. I got a $300+ book for $25 later.

Greek New Testaments

Stephanos – Majority Text – Good, also on Biblegateway.com

Westcott and Hort – Horrible, with no explanations at all

United Bible Societies – Horrible but lots of critical apparatus below

Bad Text Criticism – Acolytes of Tischendorf and Westcott and Hort

Bruce Metzger – The Text of the New Testament, Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration, 1964. Note – “corruption” refers to the Majority Text.

Metzger, Reminiscences of an Octogenarian, 1997

J. Harold Greenlee, Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism, 1995. Traditionalists are wrong because they disagree with to bogus and fantastical Westcott-Hort theories! - circular reasoning.

Kurt and Barbara Aland, The Text of the New Testament, 1981. He continued the Westcott-Hort argumentation, via Nestle, his mentor. The Nestle-Aland United Bible Society edition has become the favorite of liberals, apostates, and Lutherans. The New KJV constantly references NU in footnotes – for this Nestle-Aland-UBS edition – and M for the Majority Text. Is this citing of NU any different from the RSV footnoting Isaiah 7:10 – “or virgin?” RSV Isaiah 7:10 now reads – “a young woman will conceive and bear a son.”

Good Text Criticism

Edward Freer Hills – The King James Version Defended, 1988. Hills was a top Latin student at Yale, studied for a doctorate at Chicago and was blocked by Metzger, then finished his doctorate at Harvard. He tutored Theodore Letis, who is best appreciated through his videos.

Wilbur N. Pickering, The Identity of the New Testament Text, 2014. A layman pointed out Pickering to me. As one person wrote, Pickering destroyed the entire modern argument against the modernist, eclectic (invented) Greek text.

About Tischendorf

James Bentley, Secrets of Mt. Sinai. The Story of the World’s Oldest Bible – Codex Sinaiticus, 1986. This is so hilariously worshipful that its thesis self-destructs. “Tischendorf was obsessed…” Yes.

J. A. Moorman, Was Codex Sinaiticus Written in 1840? 2018. Moorman is a KJV defender and the author of many comparison books on the KJV.

Dr. Constantine Tischendorf, Codex Sinaiticus. 1934.

YouTube - History Education for KJB Believers - lecture by Chris Pinto, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4sx2WM-nsM

David W. Daniels, Who Faked the “World’s Oldest Bible”? 2021. This book goes over the details of Tischendorf’s life and travels, with an emphasis on explaining how a gift book was turned into the oldest Bible, even though there are no traces of it, no record of Sinaiticus until the mid-19th century.


Apologetic Books – In Defense of the Christian Faith

David Otis Fuller – He has at least three good books that address key issues:

Which Bible? – Essays on the KJV translators – learned men; Dean Burdon – by Edward F. Hills, Modern criticism, Codex Vaticanus, the problems of Westcott-Hort theories.

True or False? – Various Greek texts explained (Stephens, Tischendorf, etc), Burdon on The Revision Revised. Pickering (above) on the contributions of Dean Burgon.

Counterfeit or Genuine? - The Ending of Mark by Dean Burdon, Woman Caught in Adultery – Burdon, Preservation of the Scriptures.

Gregory Jackson – Liberalism, Its Cause and Cure.The Poisoning of American Christianity and Its Cure. This is a review of how the 20th century Christian Church became apostate, fallen from faith.


Summary - Attempted Murder of the Bible - Foiled!


PART TWO – The Greek New Testament Text Fraud


Brief Summary

            The second part is more like a hastily produced crime drama, not at all elegant or certain, because the narrative involves the attempted murder – of the Bible. The evidence abounds but the facts are disputed, the heroes defamed, and the criminals deified. A young man had a great future, but his parents died while he was in the university. He had to drop out. His name was Constantine Tischendorf. He was able to work his way back into the school by lecturing, but that only served to renew his ambition. As a young professor, he managed to lay claim on Ephraim Rescriptus, a manuscript of the Bible overwritten, after being erased, by the little-known Ephraim. Tischendorf claimed to have unusual eyesight which enabled him to produce the original. The future events developed slowly, but they were pivotal for the attempt on the Bible. Tischendorf had a papal audience, very unusual for a German Lutheran, and saw his ability to travel and make pronouncements increased. He seemed drawn to a particular location, a monastery called “St. Catherine’s on Mt. Sinai,” but really a Disney Mt. Sinai, with a long history and fake Biblical sights to see.

            The first evidence of Tischendorf’s criminal attempt is the fable of his discovery of Codex Sinaiticus (a bound book – codex – found there – Sinaiticus). He and his family told the same lie, time after time. He found sheets of parchment loose in a basket, ready to be burned, as many sheets had before, but he intervened to save them. The monks saved, repaired, and preserved ancient documents. The oldest and most obscure were valuable to the monks – and most importantly – to collectors. This was parchment – leather – and would stink in a fire and not heat anything. Constantine did not save but stole pages from the bound codex and presented the pages to a Roman Catholic ruler. He eventually stole the entire volume by promising to have it set in print in Russia, calling it Aleph, for the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. He claimed it was over 15 centuries old and promoted it as the greatest find in Biblical history. This and his look at Codex Vaticanus made him the hero of 19th century text criticism, a role which he carefully crafted himself.

            Scholars, clergy, and laity may debate the histories and origins of Sinaiticus (Aleph) and Vaticanus (B). One thing is clear – both books are barren and have no descendants. Such books would have been read and copied to death, producing new ones to be used by the faithful. Worn-out parchment (leather) copies would be burned and the deluxe, costly leather copies used to produce accurate papyrus (paper) copies.

            The apostolic witness of the New Testament was preserved by the Christian Church and manuscripts in the thousands prove that to be true. The term Received Text comes from a phrase by Erasmus when he first edited a Greek New Testament. The 1100 years-old Byzantine Roman Empire - Greek-speaking, Christian, almost forgotten by historians - preserved the Majority Text, which is also called the Byzantine Text and the Traditional or Ecclesiastical Text.[1]

            Tischendorf promoted his heroics, which appealed to those who wanted the oldest witnesses to be quite different from the traditional text. Westcott and Hort took over the job of promotion and created their own Greek New Testament in secret for use in the 19th century revision of the KJV. They pushed it upon the groups of KJV revision scholars but did not publish their Greek text until the new Bible came out. Many were horrified by the liberties and unvarnished egos of Westcott and Hort, but this approach took over by the 1930s and now controls all new Bible translations. Their “modern, scientific, precise” translations are nothing more than cobbled-together, copy and paste jobs edited by the authority of the Bible book sellers.

[1] Steven edited the Byzantine Text, so that edition is called the Stephanus, which I use for all Greek New Testament citations in sermons, articles, and books.

Part Two Rewrite - The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God

Today I am beginning the re-write of Part Two, The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God.

This second part is an analysis of the Greek New Testament - how we got the new cut and paste, anything goes approach of all modern translations, which are really freewheeling paraphrases inspired by Eugene Nida. The Foul Four are the ones I will dwell on, because there are so many minor players - NIV, and the National Council of Churches' RSV, NRSV, and ESV.

Note that the effete snobs who turn up their noses at the KJV will still use the step-sister of the NIV and one with a distinctly dark past - the ESV. The ESV overseer was a Calvinist (shock!) 


During the early 1990s, Crossway president Lane T. Dennis engaged in discussions with various Christian scholars and pastors regarding the need for a new literal translation of the Bible.[15] In 1997,[16] Dennis contacted the National Council of Churches (NCC) and proceeded to enter negotiations, alongside Trinity Evangelical Divinity School [Jerusalem for WELS leaders] professor Wayne Grudem, for obtaining rights to use the 1971 text edition of the Revised Standard Version [which denied and still undermines the Virgin Birth, Isaiah 7] as the starting point for a new translation.[17] In September 1998, an agreement was reached with the NCC for Crossway to use and modify the 1971 RSV text, thereby enabling the creation of a new translation.[17] Crossway moved forward from this position by forming a translation committee and initiating work on the ESV. Crossway officially published the ESV in 2001.[15]

The LCMS adores the horrible ESV as much as WELS prostrates itself before the NIV.

Note that the push for the Foul Four Paraphrases has come from the Lutheran leaders of:

  1. ELCA
  2. WELS
  3. LCMS
  4. ELS
The KJV belongs to the Christian Church while the Foul Four are owned by businesses, three of them reliant on approval - negotiations from - the radical Marxist National Council of Churches. Decades ago, NCC staff behavior was so degraded that a liberal journalist was shocked and wrote a short book about it. So yes - the NCC serves as the foundation for three of Foul Four - makes you a bit misty, eh?

There is no doubt that the Lutheran leaders are drooling over their cash incentives and perks from selling the for-profit Bibles. The Foul Four are "the best" but disagree with each other and with their own previous efforts - they constantly change.

Who is winning? The KJV and New KJV make up about 60% of Bible readers. The Foul Four share roughly 40% among them. No wonder the denominations are cratering, the leaders despondent, the seminaries as welcome as a temple for Branch Covidians.

 "You hate the Majority Text and love Romanism? You are perfect for the new Revision of the KJV, even if no one buys it."