Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Midnight Icha-peek

I am going to work through books of the Bible on this blog, interspersed with the usual news items (also called lies and slanders). The denominational news productions are blander than banana pudding, so I have to give the real news from time to time.

I am thinking - The Pastoral Epistles - for a start.

Nostalgia for the Good Old Days, Which Were a Lot Better in Many Ways


We suffer today from the church structures coveting and imitating big business. There is a deliberate connection with Peter Drucker and other fads, such as mission vision statements. But I have already written about the ecclesiastical wannabe executives.

One person, who has published hundreds of books, suggested I talk about the way we were. What were the strengths of the earlier generations?

The two main strengths were the use and memorization of the Bible, and the traditional hymnal. Today the Bibles are getting worse every year and the hymnals are equally bad. The latest Teufel-book weighs a ton but is lite in doctrine, lusting for modernism and Calvinism.

Biblical use is the victim of these glad-handing, earnest salesmen of the latest thing. The power of the Bible comes from realizing that the Scriptures are God speaking to us. Not only that, every verse contains the power of the Holy Spirit acting on us when we hear it, read it, or remember it. 

A generation or two of ordained morons has taken away respect for the King James Version, the most precise translation of the Testaments and also the most reliable. The modern New Testaments have hundreds of deliberate erasures and blatantly false - but ever-changing - paraphrases.

Awe and respect for the Holy Bible lends itself to reading and memorizing. Our great grandparents had tiny Bibles and small hymnals they could carry, read, and memorize. The hymnals often had no notes, but the old-timers knew the tunes. What good is an anchor weight hymnal with 900 good, horrible, and mangled songlets? 

If the object is to please and motivate, why not copy the fight songs of the Big Ten football teams? Hymns should be modeled after the Psalms and the poetry of Revelation, not the Top Thirty. The purer the communication of the Biblical message, the more effective it is.

But that is not to say that the result is always positive. Those who reject and make fun of the Scriptures (including the KJV haters) harden and blind themselves through the efficacy of the Word of God. 

The dilution of the hymns - and worship - goes hand-in-claw with the goals of their Father Below. The church shrinkers have the humility and compassion of a Chinese warlord. They permit no objections or corrections. They must win at any cost, and they have. 

However, the technology they love so much can place a traditional church service into any online device. The Word cannot be fettered. 

Inherit the Wind, Radicals

Proverbs 11:29 He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.

Bishop Megan Rohrer has resigned her position (1) after getting rid of an opponent in a recent election and (2) drawing her former church into court over daycare center funds in that church, Grace Lutheran in San Francisco. The ALPB Discussion Board has doubled-down on its Ovaltine orders as it discusses in minute detail what they do not understand or refuse to acknowledge.

I expect Rohrer will be in the news for a period of time. ELCA Presiding Bishop and Ex-bishop Rohrer are products of the 2009 ELCA convention which went against the rules they set for ordination back in 1987, when the Lutheran Church in America, The American Lutheran Church, and Seminex merged.

In ELCA, those excluded by the rules were welcomed into the church body as ordained pastors. One of those pastors, very active in the ALPB Discussion Board (10,000 comments) was arrested some time ago. My classmate at Yale Divinity, Stan Olson, was part of the rules change and welcoming the previously excluded. He got to write the Come Back to ELCA liturgy. "Awww,"(dabbing my eyes). 

This commentary may seem obscure and vague, and it should be. I have followed the debacle since 1987 - 35 years - and it only grows worse.

WELS ran out of Germans, so they embraced ELCA - via Jeske - with the expected results. Thank you, Thrivent, another merger of losers.