Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Some Photos

Bethany is just above the other photos, the Bulletin Board of Happiness below.

I wanted these photos where I could see them many times each day. Upper left is Bethany grinning for me, on the couch, Sturgis. In the middle - Christina and I graduated early from Augustana in 1969. Upper right - Erin Joy burst into a huge smile with her mom holding her. Lower left - Bethany is in the arms of Christina, about one year old. Lower middle - Erin Joy loved her swing. Lower right - I took this photo of Erin and developed it.

This is the beautiful book stand crafted in Spain, sent by Alec Satin, the Lutheran Librarian. The beautiful facsimile KJV Bible is on the right, donated by a couple in the congregation.

 The reluctant lilies began to bloom this year.

 Joe Pye Weed is slowly budding and the butterflies have arrived to check out their paradise.

Another Creation powerhouse - Mountain Mint was mistakenly covered over with cardboard and mulch, soon bursting through to develop its own pollinator paradise.

 If you like big hips, try Rugosa rose, known for its raggy leaves and big, bright seed pods (hips) full of Vitamin C, used in chewables.

 This may be a red-tailed hawk, perched on the main bird feeder. I wonder why. He always looks at me fiercely, suggesting "You're next."

 A leftover glad from last year bloomed perfectly and went to church on Sunday.

 The entire garden was filled with a ginger-like aroma, which changed into heavy perfume. This lily is enormous.

 Crepe Myrtle is planted for showy flowers and for Cardinal food later. They love to nest at their fast food condo. Robins also love this plant.

 Ranger Bob arranged this memorial. The orange flower is Butterfly Weed, related to Milkweed. Many of my favorites are in the weed family.

 Christina loved Caladiums, which some call Elephant Ears. Slugs also love them.

 Butterfly Weed blooms a long time and attracts a bright orange beetle.