Saturday, January 21, 2023

Contest - The Lutheran Forum Letter Is Even More Boring Than Christian News!

 How much cash in the CPH piggybank? PS - both men have phony doctorates.

After many years of ignoring the ALPB Forum Letter, I finally paid for a subscription. The group is comprised of elderly ELCA pastors, very liberal LCMS pastors, high church wannabees, and Rolf Preus. I am not sure why Rolf posts, unless he wants to suggest that God really does exist. That would make several of the ALPB leaders spit up their Ovaltine.

I thought Christian News was the most boring Lutheran rag until I received my first few issues of the Forum Letter.  Drink some coffee before writing! If the author and the readers are similarly short on coffee, no ideas will be exchanged. Rev. Richard John Neuhaus (LCMS, Seminex, ELCA, Church of Rome) made the Forum Letter worth reading, with backroom gossip, clever quips, and actual news for those of us who preach without a bevy of assistants. When Frank Senn was kicked off the LSTC faculty, Neuhaus wrote about it. I had the issue in my suit pocket at the district convention, and the seminary president gladly borrowed my copy.

Matt the Fatt wanted everyone to coo and murmur over this sappy book, so he could be president and share events with President Bishop Liz Eaton. Oh, the irony! Yes, the cover was edited a bit by a person or persons unknown.

Everyone is so controlled now that the least bit of dissent (unless ultra-Left) is stifled. Two people wrote to me about attending the ridiculous WELS national meeting in January. If I quoted a phrase or two from their communications, they would be hunted down and ordered to silence themselves - or else. I still see signs of the Big Guy's animosity and craven dishonesty.

I count on overpaid synod types to keep the readership as high as possible. They are cleansing their sects by getting rid of anyone suggesting mutiny on the Thrivent Bounty. There is a Captain Bligh (a real person by the way) in charge of each sect. 

For decades, Christian News operated the same way (under Otten). Herman conspired with someone to become the LCMS president, only to see the "conservative" winner skewer the editor. Here is the list of Otten's Pyrric victories -

Jack Preus, 1969 - 1969-1981

Ralph Bohlmann - 1981-1992

Al Barry - 1992-2001, died in office

Gerald Kieschnick - 2001-2010

Matt Harrison - 2010-infinity (next election 2023)

In each case, the candidate came to New Haven, Missouri, to seek support from Otten. Kieschnick did too. I discussed this with Herman and his son Tim, with the son exasperated over the consistent betrayals.

Otten released the fact of candidate Harrison coming to New Haven and singing a song praising the editor. Harrison sang a song calling Otten crazy just before the editor died.

Don't be shocked. Synod presidents get away with slandering the opposition. Matt the Fatt was not a supervisor over Otten, so he put his synod in legal jeopardy with this song.

 The company they keep...

 Not a Photoshop...