Saturday, January 7, 2023

Nutrition versus the Sugar-Fat-Salt Diet


I got past the temptations of Christmas at the same weight, even though someone gave me a large container of Werther's. I enjoyed several hand-made treats - pumpkin and apple pie. I tore off the wrappings and baked them myself - to perfection. 

I now look at food purchases closer to the raw level, such as:

  1. apples, oranges, pineapple, and blueberries,
  2. frozen peas, chopped greens, mushrooms, peppers and onions, broccoli, brussels sprouts.
  3. canned beans, tomato paste.
Just as Dr. Joel Fuhrman predicted, craving sweets and the prepared sugar-fat-salt items has mostly faded away. Traditional nutritious foods become delicious and very satisfying when they become habitual.

The permanent no-no list includes cheese (fat-salt), prepared meals (very salty), juices (aka sugar water), fast foods (sugar-fat-salt), eggs (fat), milk (fat), popcorn/Fritos (fat-salt-carbos), soda pop (sugar-salt), and expensive water (high salt).

Most of the medicines sold at high prices are symptom relievers at best. Often they create problems in other areas. Over-the-counter miracles are also expensive and mostly useless.

I look at nutrition books and Internet articles to see what I should cook or eat raw. Many long-term problems are addressed with the best and cheapest foods. Excess weight is bound to cause heart, blood pressure, and blood sugar problems.