Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Nutritional Change Simplified


I read Joel Fuhrman books almost every day. There is a lot to learn, so I have listed some simple lessons for simple people like me. Everything is related to God's Creation (John 1:3).


God made the cheapest and lowest calories for the poor and the healthy. They lose none of their nutrition values, whether cooked or not:

  1. Spinach
  2. Kale
  3. Turnip greens
  4. Collards
They are filling and yet in the chopped form hardly get noticed in a vegetable dish.

Rainbow Vegetables
Colorful vegetables have almost no calories, lots of nutrition, and are also inexpensive. The colorful vegetables are quite tasty and low in calories. A variety of vegetables will give the eater a wide variety of nutrition and taste. Potatoes (starchy) and corn (high glycemic) are relatively fattening.

Garbanzo (chickpeas) and other kinds of beans are high in protein, fibrous like other vegetables and very satisfying.

Fruits and Nuts
Fresh fruits are the best possible replacement for dessert. We have to learn that the sugar foods and medicines and liquors are a massive part of every grocery store - and that includes sugar-free and "low-sugar" concoctions. Walnuts and almonds remove bad cholesterol.