Friday, January 13, 2023

One Small Step for a Man - One Giant Leap for Planet Fitness.
Sugar Storage Must Give Way to Fat Burning


I was going to Planet Fitness before the Branch Covidians took over. But I only saw the Silver Sneakers note a short time ago at the gym. That is part of many Medicare plans, paying the basic cost for gym use. The odd thing is, the website is less reliable than the weather. It took me five attempts to earn my lifetime, very long number for getting the modest gym fee paid. Today I brought in the printout and signed it digitally on the computer screen, about 10 times. When I was done, I said, "One small step for a man, one giant leap for Planet Fitness." He laughed, a surprise to me that he knew the reference.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman got me going to the gym because he wrote in his books that exercise is essential, just as important as a change in food habits. I knew that, but I lapsed a long time ago due to the number of medical appointments. Fuhrman also points out that exercise strengthens bones, one of the pitfalls of being older than references to moon landings. 

I knew the importance of short-term glycogen (sugar) storage versus high energy fat-burning. I have attended many diabetic conferences, lessons, and suggested food samples. As one friend said so succinctly, "I know all that. It's the doin' that's hard."

I finally woke up to the building block or the stumbling block to weight loss and energy. We build and use short-term glycogen storage, which is like running on stale gasoline. If we major in sweets and high glycemic foods (white potatoes, corn, white rice, white flour), they will give us a quick high and a quicker low. 

Nibbling at crackers, snacks, candy bars, so-called protein bars, etc - that will continuous feed the glycogen storage without using the high- octane fat-burning that God created for us.

I go to the gym before eating anything, then wait for a veggie-fruit lunch or I just have a few fresh fruits - oranges and pears - a total of 3 so far today. Exercise without breakfast will burn fat far more effectively. Once used to it, we feel the fat burning energy soon and the disappearance of craving more sweets. 

Counting calories and named food fads are a cry for help - or a way to say, "I am really trying." The giveaway is the festive end of the diet when people eat a banana split enhanced by a large mocha with fake cream in it, fake whipped cream on top. Plus a cherry.

The big change for me was 1) a scary blood panel; 2) opening up a never-read copy of Eat To Live.