Monday, January 2, 2023

The Efficacy Motherlode - Now Available Free as a Word Document

Here is the Dropbox Link

The Efficacy Motherlode

Utterly Lacking on LutherQuest, ALPB Online, Christian News

And All the Lutheran Seminaries –

From ELCA Down to the CLC


Verbatim quotations gathered by Pastor Gregory L. Jackson, PhD,

The Megatron Database Produced from Professional File.

This material is available free to encourage research.

New Year’s Day, 2023.

I was talking to a member about future books planned when I thought of publishing The Efficacy Motherlode, which has been posted several times on this blog.

One hundred thirty pages of quotations is not exactly a book, but it is a good start for those who want to study the topic of the efficacy of the Word.
The strength of Luther's Biblical doctrine is completely different from Calvinism, Pietism, and Church Growth. That is why the apostate Lutheran leaders hate Luther for making them think - which is fairly rare and always painful for the lazy and the inert. 

I copied every quotation into Megatron using the ancient database called Professional File. I tried to fix typos, but more than a few crept in. The advantage of the database is automatic sorting. That can be leveraged by using control-f to find words and authors in the Word document. 

Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant created the need for a quotation database. I borrowed the name of our battery in the Ford Aerostar we were driving - Megatron. Christina always helped me in research and never stopped encouraging me to write more books.