WELS Synod President Schroeder declared that his sect was "orthodox from the beginning," surely one of the great, false claims of all time.
Union churches (Lutheran/Calvinist) were the rage in the 19th century. That name was often in the title of the congregation. Forerunners of the LCA had titles that allowed the congregations to separate later. One WELS church in New Ulm had a group that marched out when the new, more Lutheran pastor asked why the Calvinists were still there. The march-outters formed a parish that became United Church of Christ, almost identical to the Unitarian-Universalists.
Union congregations and denominations sink into Calvinism, indifference, and rationalism.
Calvinists have always followed their founder's bizarre dogma, clearly separating the Word from the Spirit. Calvin's love for rationalism intruded into all his work, though lazy Lutherans try to say, "They are like us, except for the sacraments."
I agree with the wit who was asked, "What do you admire about the Calvinists." He said, "I admire everything about the Calvinists - except their doctrine."
 | The Three Wise Men
Pietism is an artful blend of Calvinist and Lutheran doctrine. The great movements of European Lutherans into America were sponsored and led by Pietistic mission agencies. I am reading two books about Spener, the founder of Pietism, at this time. He is rightfully called "the first ecumenical theologian" (Otto Heick).
Those who would deny the influence of Pietism in their lives are in denial, not the Nile. More later.